Dobbs has repeatedly used the phrase "little darling" or "precious darling" to describe people and organizations:
DOBBS: And the idea that this mayor, this -- a man I've referred to as a "little darling" because he's so doggone precious, Gavin Newsom, thinking somehow that a illegal alien is somehow free of responsibility for paying off human smugglers, that drug dealers are somehow free of responsibility for breaking our laws and devastating lives throughout this country. It is incomprehensible that a community and a city as wonderful as San Francisco could support that kind of just utterly intellectually fraudulent and irresponsible action on the part of any public official. It's extraordinary.
CASEY WIAN (CNN correspondent): Even in San Francisco, they're questioning this policy, this decision. The San Francisco Chronicle, the hometown paper there, was the one who broke this story first, Lou.
DOBBS: Our congratulations and commendation to the Chronicle for outstanding journalism. Thank you. Appreciate your terrific reporting as always, Casey. Casey Wian.
Well, Gavin Newsom, the good mayor, finally forced to set things straight concerning the absurd sanctuary policy. Newsom, of course, has launched a number of attacks against me as well for opposing San Francisco's sanctuary city status and because he doesn't like the fact apparently that I support the rule of law. Listen to what the mayor, the precious darling, had to say about me, a short while back.
NEWSOM [video clip]: We have been very concerned in the last year and a half or two years with the renewed vigor by the federal government and ICE to adopt more aggressive strategies for immigration raids. We are very concerned about a lot of the language, the incendiary language, that has been used in the last number of years, both in Congress and on right-wing radio and on cable TV, where careers are literally being saved and salvaged like Lou Dobbs.
DOBBS: Well, obviously, it's Mayor Newsom who's focused on his career. And it is a career that apparently needs some salvaging since he is so irresponsible and immature as to carry out intelligent and principled public policy.
So, the man I can't really refer to in much of any other expression rather than just little darling. I could use other language, but he just strikes me as a little darling, Mayor Newsom does. He, in my judgment, owes the folks of San Francisco, all of us, an apology for his immaturity, his irresponsibility, and for just being such a precious fraud. It doesn't really work, Mayor Newsom. You can forget about it. It worked for a while in San Francisco, but I believe your time is up.
That brings us to the subject of our poll tonight and the question: "Do you believe Mayor Gavin Newsom of San Francisco should publicly apologize for endangering the safety of U.S. citizens by shielding criminal illegal aliens?" Yes or no? Cast your vote at We'll have the results here later in the broadcast.
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