

Domain Name News

Domain Name News

Vancouver Power Outage Walloping Some Domain Owners

Posted: 14 Jul 2008 11:17 PM CDT

A power outage in Vancouver is taking a huge hit on some in the domain industry today. Domain Name News noticed that Name Administration parking sites were not resolving earlier today at around 1pm CST. The many domains owned by the company such as ceilingfans.com and personalloans.com were still unreachable at the time of this writing.  More about this story on page 2.

Vancouver Downtown FireHitfarm.com, a company based in Vancouver, also appear to be affected by this outage. Although, it appears that the company has found an alternative source to redirect domains. Hitfarm pages now seem to have switched all off of the companies internally run landing pages and are coming up with a Domain Sponsor landing page. It’s good to see a company proactive about emergency situations like this. Many large scale operations would be hit hard by an extended outage such as this one.

Name Administration and many large sites in the Vancouver area use Internet provider Peer 1. Early today when we noticed the pages down, our technical staff traced back the outage to Peer 1. In checking out the company site and their forums they are reporting the following :

1) The fire started at 9am in an underground vault on Richards Street. BC Hydro would not let VFD in to extinguish the fire for 2 hours as they were hoping it would burn itself out. It did not so VFD sprayed water into the vault to extinguish.

2) The vault is now full of water and they will not be able to even begin repairs for 6 to 8 hours from now.

3) BC Hydro will attempt to put some parts of downtown on alternative transformers. They do now know which parts will be put back online as of yet. The main priority for them is getting traffic lights operational for rush hour.

Picture copyright Flickr user Carol Browne

(c) 2008 DomainNameNews.com

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