

Media Matters Daily Summary

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Here are today's news items from Media Matters for America, click on the title or 'read more' to read the entirety of each story.

Wash. Times described Michelle Obama-Gov. Granholm event as "estrogenfest," "girlie show"
In a news article, The Washington Times described a Michigan campaign event featuring Michelle Obama as "as much estrogenfest as it was campaign rally" and wrote: "Even Michigan Gov. Jennifer M. Granholm got in on the girlie show as they campaigned together." Read More

With WorldNetDaily readers, New Yorker cover apparently didn't come across as magazine intended
A WorldNetDaily.com poll asked the website's readers to "[s]ound off on the New Yorker's cover with turban-wearing Obama, gun toting wife," but while the New Yorker said in a press release that the cover "satirizes the use of scare tactics and misinformation in the Presidential election to derail Barack Obama's campaign," for a majority of respondents to WND's poll, the cover apparently provided support for their false perceptions of Obama's religion and patriotism: A majority of respondents selected the option stating that "[t]he image isn't too far from the dangerous truth about the Obama family." Read More

Touting Wash. Post article, Politico's Vogel baselessly suggested that Obama got a "sweetheart mortgage"
On a Hardball segment concerning the chances that Sen. Barack Obama would select Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) as a running mate, Ken Vogel said: "[L]et's not forget that Obama, too, was the subject of a story in The Washington Post, actually, suggesting that he got a good deal on his mortgage. So unless they want an all-sweetheart-mortgage ticket, I think this is probably not the way to go." In fact, the Washington Post article provided no evidence that Obama had received preferential treatment in obtaining his mortgage. Read More

Wash. Post headline -- "Offshore drilling backed as remedy for oil prices" -- undermined by article itself
The Washington Post ran an article under the headline "Offshore Drilling Backed as Remedy for Oil Prices," but the article itself noted that "the Energy Department's Energy Information Administration [EIA] said that .... 'Because oil prices are determined on the international market, however, any impact on average wellhead prices is expected to be insignificant.' " The article also noted that the EIA said that "access to the Pacific, Atlantic, and eastern Gulf regions would not have a significant impact on domestic crude oil and natural gas production or prices before 2030." Read More

Fox News joins MSNBC in allowing GOP strategist Tantaros to characterize Obama as a "fancy lad"
A week after referring on MSNBC to Sens. Barack Obama and John Kerry as "two Ivy League fancy lads," GOP strategist Andrea Tantaros again referred to Obama as a "fancy lad," this time on Fox News' America's Newsroom. In neither case was her remark challenged by the anchors of the shows. Read More

MSNBC's Watkins repeated false and misleading claims about McCain's record on taxes and immigration
On MSNBC, Joe Watkins asserted: "The reality is that John McCain actually supported tax cuts. The reason why he didn't support the tax cuts earlier is because he said you've got to slow down government spending. You can't spend and cut at the same time." In fact, McCain said in a May 2001 statement on the Senate floor that he was voting against the Bush tax cuts because "so many of the benefits go to the most fortunate among us, at the expense of middle class Americans who most need tax relief." Watkins also claimed McCain "crafted that [comprehensive immigration reform] bill with Democrats, with Teddy Kennedy among other people. ... [H]ere's a guy willing to take big-time risks," but didn't note that McCain has said he would not support the bill if it came to a vote on the Senate floor. Read More

NY Times reported Lieberman "has not ruled out switching parties" without noting his promise to caucus with Dems
The New York Times' Mark Leibovich reported that Sen. Joe Lieberman "has not ruled out switching parties but has stopped short of saying he has moved so far from the Democratic Party -- or, in his view, the other way around -- that he is at a point of no return" but failed to note that if Lieberman did so, he would be breaking his 2006 promise to caucus with the Democrats if re-elected to the Senate. Read More

Liddy on New Yorker cover: "The New Yorker finally got it right"
On the July 14 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, G. Gordon Liddy said of the image of Sen. Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, on the July 21 cover of The New Yorker: "It's got Obama in his Muslim dress with a turban, and he's there with his wife. His wife has a 'mad at the world' afro, circa 1968, she -- she's got bandoliers and an assault weapon, and there in their fireplace is burning the American flag. The New Yorker finally got it right." Read More

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