

The Batter's Box Tips and Trivia - Quality At-Bats

The Batter's Box

Tips and Trivia Newsletter

Quality At-Bats

August, 2008

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In This Issue:

  1. Summer comes to a close
  2. New Online Shopping Cart - SAVE10
  3. The Importance of Quality At-Bats
  4. This Month's Trivia

1. Summer comes to a close

We hope your summer has been a good one and may you look back on it and say, "The $1980 we spent on gas going from tournaments to vacation to grandma's to the mall was worth it!"
If you are one of the many who visited us here in Myrtle Beach, SC while playing at The Ripken Experience, or Triple Crown tournaments, or any of the many ASA, NSA, USSSA and AAU events held here, we say, "Thanks for stopping by!"
We'd love to see you next year, and you can check out the Ripken Experience 2009 schedule and make your plans now.

Link: http://www.ripkentournaments.com/myrtlebeach.cfm

2. New Online Shopping Cart - SAVE10

Sometime on Tuesday August 26 our online shopping cart is being upgraded by Network Solutions, the company that designs the cart software. It's a total change and the upgrade will be a better experience for you, our valued customer. We only ask that you bear with us during the transition, as there are some minor issues with pictures and available inventory that are sure to come up. If you have any comments, suggestions or questions do not hesitate to contact us.
As we segue into the new cart we'd like you to look and try it out. We'll even give you $10.00 if you buy anything from our site - no questions asked. Simply type the coupon code SAVE10 during the checkout process. This code to save $10.00 is valid from 8-26-08 through 9-30-08. Feel free to tell your friends about it, too!

Link: http://www.aluminumbats.com

3. The Importance of Quality At-Bats

We welcome back a friend of The Batter's Box Chris Carter, Owner of the Coastal Baseball Academy in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, 843-236-9993

Owning the Coastal Baseball Academy in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and being a minor league hitting coach for the Washington Wild Things, many players often ask me the importance of quality at-bats compared to his batting average. If a player can produce successful quality at-bats through out the season, there is no doubt the batting average will rise. There are many different ways to judge quality at-bats. With the Washington Wild Things, we chart every at-bat for our team every game. This chart is similar to a scorecard, except it is more in depth. We always want to know what we officially did during the game whether it would be 0-4 or 4-4; but this chart also keeps track of quality at-bats. Moving a runner from 2nd to 3rd with no outs, a sac bunt, a successful hit and run, an RBI with a runner on 3rd with less than 2 outs, 2 out RBI situations, a walk, a 10 pitch at-bat, hits, and hard hit balls are the nine things we pay a lot of attention to on our chart. When a player has a quality at-bat, it is marked with a 'Q' next to the result of that at-bat. At the end of the game the chart is tallied up to register what each player went for on the night plus how many quality at-bats each player had. The use of this chart has helped improve the way many of our players approach the game now. It has taught them that we play for the team, not the individual and each at-bat has a purpose. If you play for the hitter behind you, you not only help yourself but you are now setting up a situation to make your teammate successful too. When this happens, the ball club's offense is more dangerous. Again, this makes every at-bat have a purpose.

Focusing on quality at-bats is something that can be done on any level of baseball. Baseball is a game where failure is a big player. Many young players don't understand that failure is a part of the game. It is our duty as coaches to teach them to find success even when we fail as a hitter (not getting a hit). Keeping an average on quality at-bats helps players deal with failure; it shows us we can succeed even when we fail. Ultimately, this will help your team become better and your ball club will win more baseball games.

Chris Carter
Coastal Baseball Academy - Owner -- Myrtle Beach, SC
Washington Wild Things - Hitting Coach -- Washington, PA

Link: http://www.coastalbaseballacademy.com

4. This Month's Trivia

The White Construction Company actually built "The House that Ruth Built". On opening day in 1923 the Yankees beat Babe Ruth's old squad the Red Sox 4-1. That set off a winning tradition like no other. To this day the New York Yankees are the winningest sports franchise in the world with 26 World Series Championships. This month's trivia is a two-part question...

Of the 26 World Series titles, how many did the Yankees clinch in Yankee Stadium, and where did the Yankees play before they acquired Babe Ruth from the Red Sox?

The Yankees only won 9 of their 26 championships at home. And their home before Yankee Stadium was across the Harlem River at The Polo Grounds. The New York Giants baseball club was the landlord, and when the Yankees out-drew the Giants in attendance in 1920, largely because of Babe Ruth, the tenant was not so politely asked to vacate.

Thank you for your patronage and another new Tips and Trivia newsletter will be arriving in your inbox shortly. The information contained here is only the opinion of The Batter's Box and should be regarded as such. Always check with your coach or trainer before changing any of your practice or game patterns.

George J Karukas
The Batter's Box



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