

Building Your Business in a Soft Economy

Learn to gain control of your business development. Realize that the changing economy may actually create opportunities for you. The Charlotte Business Journal and The Employers Association are co-presenting a seminar on September 8 that will show you how.

Greta Schulz, President & CEO of ProActive Training and Consulting, author, and national Business Journal columnist will present the seminar, Building Your Business in a Soft Economy. Greta will teach you how to:

* Close more clients in less time
* Network more effectively
* Form strategic alliances
* Increase referrals
* Motivate and manage your sales force
* Maintain control and generate positive results in meetings and presentations

"At the Charlotte Business Journal, we have worked with Greta for over two years. She helps you learn the real difference between being a salesperson and being a partner with your customers. Her coaching shows business development executives the right way to develop relationships and become a trusted resource to customers." -Sheila Cottringer, Charlotte Business Journal Advertising Director

Business owners and executives, salespeople, marketing professionals, and others responsible for business development in their companies can benefit from this seminar.

Date: September 8, 2008
Times: 7:30 - 8:00 am Breakfast & Networking; 8:00 - 10:00 am Seminar with Q&A

For more information and to register, visit http://events.bizjournals.com/4761 Or call 704-973-1143.

Check out our October seminar, Juggling Elephants - An Easier Way to Get Your Most Important Things Done - Now! at http://events.bizjournals.com/4766.

Jeannie Falknor
Charlotte Business Journal

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