

Corporate Philanthropy Submissions - LAST CALL!

Don't miss the chance to give your company the recognition it deserves!

Submissions close THIS FRIDAY, August 8th, so DON'T DELAY!

To make a submission, please go to:

Categories include:
* Small Company (Under 10 million in annual revenue)
* Medium Company (10 to 50 million in annual revenue)
* Large Company (Over 50 million in annual revenue)
* Corporate Foundations

The Portland Business Journal is once again hosting the Corporate Philanthropy program, presented by the Portland Trail Blazers. SAVE THE DATE! September 25th will be a very special Awards Dinner on the floor of the Rose Garden celebrating the achievements of all companies recognized.

We hope to receive your submission this week.

Craig Wessel

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If you have any trouble with this process you may reply to this message with unsubscribe in the subject line.

If you need other assistance, please contact us at
http://www.bizjournals.com/help.html or write:

bizjournals.com customer service
120 W. Morehead St.
Charlotte, NC 28202

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