

Political Rants

Political Rants

Bush Administration Discusses Killing Navy SEALs to Start Iranian War

Posted: 01 Aug 2008 03:19 PM CDT

This is unbelievable.

Seymour Hersh, who won a Pulitzer for exposing the Mai Lai Massacre coverup in Vietnam, recently wrote an article in the New Yorker in which he described how there was a meeting in the White House shortly after the overblown standoff with Iranian boats in early January. A former official at the meeting revealed that the subject was “how to create a casus belli between Tehran and Washington”. This was actually at the bottom of the article(!), and when Hersh was questioned about it, he mentioned that he had been told that he “really buried the lead in that story,” which is quite an understatement. When prodded for details, Hersh revealed that one of the ideas to start the war was to build four or five boats that looked like Iranian PT boats, put Navy SEALs on them with a lot of arms, and start a shootout between the “Iranian” ships and our own! The New Yorker wouldn’t let Hersh print these important facts, according to him, because the idea was ultimately rejected (as if it only would have mattered if the plan had been approved!!).



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