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Amazon one-day deal: Motorola Bluetooth headset for $19.99

I will admit I've had my share of fun taking playful jabs at people who walk around with Bluetooth headsets on -- like, do they think they're the CIA or something? But with more states enacting laws prohibiting hands-on cell phone use in cars (where so many of us multitasking parents catch up on calls), a wireless headset is a smart purchase. Come to think of it, anything that frees up your hands when you've got little ones is a smart purchase. I'm thinking nursing moms, stroller pushers, and parents of anyone three and under.

Today only, this Motorola H500 Bluetooth headset is is 75% off ($19.99 -- it's usually $79.99). If you've been thinking of going hands-free, today might be the day to do it.

On Parent Hacks at: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/parenthacks/~3/384283233/amazon-one-day.html

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