

Today in Salon: Her deadly wolf program

SalonToday in Salon: Monday September 8, 2008

Her deadly wolf program

With a disdain for science that alarms wildlife experts, Sarah Palin continues to promote Alaska's policy to gun down wolves from planes

By Mark Benjamin
Her deadly wolf program
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Is my kid a dick, or is he just 2?
My son bullies me, insults his mother and once punched an old man in the nuts. I know it's probably just a phase. But what if it isn't?
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"American Wife" author Curtis Sittenfeld on her first lady obsession, dirty bits with George W., and whether we're responsible for the behavior of our loved ones.
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Ask Pablo
I've heard reading online uses more energy than printing documents. Can that be true?
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I watched the convention and I thought I was going to lose it.
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I Like to Watch
This fall's TV season comes in like a BBQ Pork Ravioli Bite and goes out like a bad case of indigestion, from Fox's "Fringe" to CBS's "The Mentalist."
By Heather Havrilesky
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