

Win A Trip To The Indecision 2008 Election Night Party!

Enter Indecision 2008's Virtual Podium Contest, sponsored by Comcast, for your chance to WIN 1 OF 10 TRIPS to rustic, out of the way NEW YORK CITY and two passes to Comedy Central's exclusive, star-studded election night party!

Contest ends September 30th, so don't wait. Head over to http://comcast.indecision2008.com to get started.

Airfare for 2 to New York City
3 Days and 2 nights of accommodation
Dinner and Transportation Included
Invitation to Comedy Central's exclusive Election Night Bonanza and $150 spending cash

Disclaimer - to enter, participate, or win, you must live in one of the following States in the USA: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, and Washington. Video entries must be between 30 seconds in length minimum and 2:00 minutes maximum. No graphics, animation, or music is permitted. Please see official rules for more information

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