

Biggest Gainers - Closing

from The Wall Street Journal Online

4:35 pm ET 10/31/2008



Issue (symbol)
Price Chg % Chg Volume

CVR Engy (CVI)
$3.97 1.62 68.94 1,658,937

3.88 1.47 61.00 14,475,692

FedAgri C (AGM)
5.80 2.14 58.47 585,857

Hersha pfA (HT+A)
11.30 3.80 50.67 4,500

Valhi (VHI)
14.32 4.42 44.65 90,411

GramrcyCap pfA (GKKA)
5.75 1.75 43.75 307,045

BkIrlnd ADS (IRE)
12.14 3.64 42.82 1,296,288

AmerAxle (AXL)
3.59 1.06 41.90 2,379,106

SonicAuto A (SAH)
5.13 1.48 40.55 1,439,708

FortressInvGp A (FIG)
4.90 1.35 38.03 901,647

TataMtrs ADS (TTM)
5.85 1.60 37.65 2,153,497

FedAgrMtg A (AGMA)
2.75 0.75 37.50 13,300

LasVegasSands (LVS)
14.19 3.81 36.71 46,705,308

StewInfo (STC)
16.60 4.34 35.40 269,845

B&G Foods A (BGS)
3.73 0.88 30.88 1,322,361

Strats GSG GJS (GJS)
13.06 3.06 30.60 9,200

AdvMedOp (EYE)
6.17 1.44 30.44 3,034,936

BeazerHm (BZH)
3.17 0.72 29.39 1,659,802

ImperialBcp (IMP)
5.16 1.16 29.00 91,770

SnthtcFIStrats (GJW)
6.65 1.38 26.19 53,800

AnthracitCap (AHR)
4.34 0.88 25.43 1,409,812

CapLease (LSE)
6.75 1.35 25.00 293,203

Gp1Auto (GPI)
10.05 2.00 24.84 699,287

2.49 0.49 24.50 3,267,298

UnvlAm (UAM)
8.85 1.72 24.12 700,261


Issue (symbol)
Price Chg % Chg Volume

$5.50 3.09 128.22 470,049

AstaFdng (ASFI)
3.40 1.22 55.96 310,018

SussexBcp (SBBX)
7.20 2.45 51.58 59,466

FstRgnlBcp (FRGB)
5.50 1.67 43.60 270,455

FstPlcFnl (FPFC)
6.87 2.07 43.13 187,829

LCA Vision (LCAV)
3.42 0.91 36.25 521,238

Nashua (NSHA)
6.84 1.79 35.45 4,128

SmurfitStn A (SSCCP)
8.08 2.08 34.67 12,414

WynnRsrts (WYNN)
60.40 13.90 29.89 6,518,495

MgmaDsgn (LAVA)
2.61 0.59 29.21 653,919

PowerSecureInt (POWR)
3.85 0.87 29.19 892,965

ArdeaBiosci (RDEA)
10.15 2.28 28.97 30,735

IdenixPharm (IDIX)
5.52 1.22 28.37 259,798

SpanAmMed (SPAN)
12.00 2.60 27.66 21,214

Innotrac (INOC)
2.66 0.57 27.27 10,972

TrubionPharm (TRBN)
2.86 0.61 26.94 7,811

ParkerVision (PRKR)
5.01 1.04 26.20 517,382

TranstnThera (TTHI)
3.10 0.64 26.02 141,520

LaserCard (LCRD)
5.15 1.06 25.92 132,079

6.98 1.43 25.77 898,840

10.24 2.02 24.57 473,257

Catapult (CATT)
4.27 0.84 24.49 25,426

UtdCmtyFnl (UCFC)
4.69 0.92 24.40 84,626

BkGranite (GRAN)
3.85 0.75 24.19 28,447

HdsnHildGp (HHGP)
5.24 1.02 24.17 236,393


Issue (symbol)
Price Chg % Chg Volume

AlliedNVGld (ANV)
$3.45 1.07 44.96 251,450

HungTele (HTC)
10.75 3.05 39.61 30,094

CheniereEgy (LNG)
3.74 1.06 39.55 1,636,188

MrgStWeathrfrd (WVK)
5.10 1.40 37.84 2,811

EuronextELKS (EKJ)
5.05 1.02 25.31 6,200

TriValley (TIV)
4.75 0.90 23.38 114,775

BMB Munai (KAZ)
2.49 0.47 23.27 200,444

SeabrdCp (SEB)
1,340.00 242.00 22.04 2,403

SPA MktGrdr100 (SIH)
13.91 2.48 21.70 4,756

SPA MktGrdMC100 (SVD)
14.25 2.47 20.97 3,100

Lodgian (LGN)
5.10 0.85 20.00 60,490

MaineMartimes (MAM)
33.00 5.37 19.44 3,900

5.48 0.88 19.13 118,687

Accelr8Tch (AXK)
2.74 0.44 19.13 4,900

LazareKap (LKI)
7.20 1.07 17.46 2,700

UtdCapital (AFP)
22.25 3.23 16.98 4,000

Merimac (MRM)
3.10 0.44 16.55 8,256

MrgStlIntel (ADJ)
8.00 1.10 15.94 3,100

3.78 0.51 15.60 108,273

CaracoPharm (CPD)
10.17 1.37 15.57 134,214

HQ MartmeInd (HQS)
4.10 0.55 15.49 168,823

MAG Silver (MVG)
4.15 0.54 14.96 60,060

NewConceptEngy (GBR)
6.59 0.86 14.93 2,575

ElemntsGrain (GRU)
6.10 0.77 14.45 8,200

ContangoO&G (MCF)
55.00 6.57 13.57 275,187

Click here to See All Gainers
Includes stocks with prior day close of $2 a share or higher, with volume of atleast 2,000.
Source: WSJ Market Data Group


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Major Indexes - Closing

from The Wall Street Journal Online


Major Indexes 4:53 p.m. EDT 10/31/08
Chg % Chg Last

144.32 1.57 9325.01

DJ Transportation Average*
158.82 4.26 3885.83

DJ Utility Average*
-6.20 -1.61 378.42

22.43 1.32 1720.95

Nasdaq 100*
0.84 0.06 1334.78

S&P 500*
14.66 1.54 968.75

S&P 400 Mid-Cap*
15.78 2.86 568.49

S&P 600 Small-Cap*
12.27 4.46 287.67

DJ Wilshire 5000*
183.72 1.92 9768.65

NYSE Composite*
86.06 1.44 6061.09

NYSE Financial*
122.50 2.85 4414.41

Russell 2000*
23.34 4.54 537.52

Amex Composite*
9.51 0.65 1466.92

KBW Bank*
2.48 4.42 58.53

PHLX Gold/Silver*
-4.22 -4.95 81.06

PHLX Housing Sector*
5.48 6.43 90.67

PHLX Oil Service*
0.18 0.12 153.41

PHLX Semiconductor*
4.41 1.88 239.47

* at close

Major World Indexes 4:51 p.m. EDT 10/31/08
Chg % Chg Last

DJ World Index
1.21 0.69 177.68

DJ World exUS
-0.33 -0.22 146.97

DJ Stoxx 50*
67.57 2.98 2331.43

UK: FTSE 100*
86.18 2.01 4377.83

Germany: DAX*
118.67 2.44 4987.97

DJ Asia-Pacific
-2.40 -2.61 89.55

Japan: Nikkei Average*
-452.78 -5.01 8576.98

Hong Kong: Hang Seng*
-361.18 -2.52 13968.67

DJ Americas Index
3.67 1.54 242.49

* at close


10 questions to determine if your organization is customer-centric
Find out what they are, and how your organization rates in customer-centricity.
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Most Actives - Closing

from The Wall Street Journal Online

4:35 pm ET 10/31/2008



Issue (symbol)
Price Chg % Chg Volume

NtlCity (NCC)
$2.70 0.30 12.50 172,203,864

iShrMSCIEmrgMkt (EEM)
25.43 -0.22 -0.86 162,025,667

BankAm (BAC)
24.17 1.39 6.10 127,844,137

Wachovia (WB)
6.41 0.50 8.46 112,952,614

iShrRu2000 (IWM)
53.75 2.32 4.51 110,234,547

AmIntlGp (AIG)
1.91 0.28 17.18 101,120,308

GenElec (GE)
19.51 0.16 0.83 90,446,480

Citigroup (C)
13.65 0.54 4.12 89,321,603

JPMorgChas (JPM)
41.25 3.63 9.65 78,861,949

FordMotor (F)
2.19 -0.09 -3.95 64,536,996

WellsFargo (WFC)
34.05 2.21 6.94 63,044,885

Pfizer (PFE)
17.71 -0.15 -0.84 57,417,802

ExxonMobil (XOM)
74.12 -0.93 -1.24 52,275,368

Cigna (CI)
16.30 0.72 4.62 51,891,737

13.12 -0.14 -1.06 50,949,658

LasVegasSands (LVS)
14.19 3.81 36.71 46,705,308

SprintNextel (S)
3.13 -0.36 -10.32 45,751,334

HrtfrdFnl (HIG)
10.32 0.70 7.28 45,289,874

iShrChina25 (FXI)
25.16 -0.49 -1.91 45,104,805

AT&T (T)
26.77 -0.33 -1.22 43,269,887

ProctGamb (PG)
64.54 1.46 2.31 42,484,695

11.78 0.32 2.79 42,047,482

MorgStan (MS)
17.47 1.38 8.58 41,806,713

44.57 0.29 0.65 40,644,362

iShrMSJpn (EWJ)
9.00 -0.01 -0.11 37,239,693


Issue (symbol)
Price Chg % Chg Volume

PwrShrs QQQ (QQQQ)
$32.89 0.05 0.15 223,971,240

Intel (INTC)
16.03 -0.14 -0.86 93,680,278

Microsoft (MSFT)
22.33 -0.30 -1.33 91,577,301

CiscoSys (CSCO)
17.77 -0.02 -0.11 81,290,592

AppleInc (AAPL)
107.59 -3.45 -3.11 58,975,338

OracleCp (ORCL)
18.29 -0.03 -0.16 54,218,984

RschInMotn (RIMM)
50.43 3.04 6.41 34,467,727

Symantec (SYMC)
12.58 0.38 3.11 29,360,098

SiriusXM (SIRI)
0.34 -0.01 -3.43 28,334,953

Comcast A (CMCSA)
15.76 0.66 4.37 28,099,397

ApldMatl (AMAT)
12.91 0.83 6.87 27,488,593

Qualcomm (QCOM)
38.26 -1.46 -3.68 26,214,170

Level3Comm (LVLT)
1.05 -0.05 -4.55 25,426,084

ElectroArts (ERTS)
22.78 -4.95 -17.85 25,400,154

PwrwaveTch (PWAV)
0.95 -0.85 -47.22 24,440,052

Dell (DELL)
12.20 -0.05 -0.41 24,378,380

Yahoo (YHOO)
12.82 -0.11 -0.85 23,829,805

SunMicrsys (JAVA)
4.60 -0.69 -13.04 18,844,052

Starbucks (SBUX)
13.13 0.51 4.04 18,523,283

14.56 1.38 10.47 16,556,372

Broadcom A (BRCM)
17.08 -0.65 -3.67 16,132,506

SeagateTch (STX)
6.77 0.36 5.62 15,451,472

8.76 0.13 1.51 15,104,618

Staples (SPLS)
19.43 1.01 5.48 14,291,962

DirecTV (DTV)
21.89 0.05 0.23 13,872,568


Issue (symbol)
Price Chg % Chg Volume

SPDR S&P 500 (SPY)
$96.83 0.53 0.55 409,710,298

SPDR FnclSelSct (XLF)
15.53 0.72 4.86 141,022,871

ProShrUltraFnl (UYG)
9.94 0.81 8.87 83,903,640

ProShrUltraS&P (SSO)
32.04 1.20 3.89 69,486,997

PrShrsS&P500 (SDS)
84.19 -3.01 -3.45 62,329,945

SPDR EngySelSct (XLE)
51.40 1.05 2.09 47,961,850

ProShrUltraQQQ (QLD)
34.78 0.18 0.52 39,915,343

64.68 0.24 0.37 39,770,107

Diamond (DIA)
93.50 1.00 1.08 39,420,118

TechSelSctr SPDR (XLK)
16.65 -0.10 -0.60 23,454,178

ProShrUSOilGas (DUG)
37.05 -0.96 -2.53 21,161,931

ProShrUSFnl (SKF)
124.38 -12.85 -9.36 18,371,598

ProShrUlOilGas (DIG)
35.50 0.60 1.72 14,922,786

ProShrUltraDow30 (DDM)
37.80 1.30 3.56 14,802,149

PrShrsUSDow30 (DXD)
70.32 -2.29 -3.15 13,116,657

ConStplSel SPDR (XLP)
24.12 -0.15 -0.62 12,867,119

InduSelSctr SPDR (XLI)
25.18 0.81 3.32 12,745,815

SemiConHldrs (SMH)
20.75 0.37 1.82 12,034,300

UtilsSelSctr SPDR (XLU)
28.91 -0.79 -2.66 11,896,126

MatrlsSel SPDR (XLB)
25.92 0.29 1.13 10,041,693

ProShrUlShtRus (TWM)
95.75 -8.75 -8.37 9,918,102

US OilFd (USO)
55.59 1.59 2.94 9,762,474

OilSvcHldrs (OIH)
98.52 -0.08 -0.08 9,297,320

ProShrUlBscMtls (UYM)
21.17 0.50 2.42 9,182,724

SP400 Spdrs (MDY)
103.40 1.52 1.49 7,493,884

Click here to See All Most Actives
Source: WSJ Market Data Group


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[Parent Hacks] 3 new posts in Parent Hacks

Hello, ignoble.experiment@arconati.us, and thank you for subscribing to Parent Hacks. Got a hack you'd like to share? Send it to hacks@parenthacks.com, along with your name and Web address (if you'd like us to link to you).

links for 2008-10-31

On Parent Hacks at: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/parenthacks/~3/438341959/links-for-20-17.html

Still no costume? Pay your kid to wear last year's!

Brook is one practical woman.

When my daughter was in Kindergarten I made her an elaborate, time-intensive, and expensive Sailor Moon costume. Facing the prospect of sewing or shelling out for another costume, I offered to pay her $10 if she wore the same costume the next year. In second grade she chose to be a cowgirl, and in 3rd grade, she made another $10.

I got off lucky this year. My daughter wanted to wear the same costume she wore last year. Fortunately it's a too-big dress from Goodwill I "altered" with safety pins, so she won't outgrow it for at least 10 years.

Related: Best of Parent Hacks: Halloween

On Parent Hacks at: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/parenthacks/~3/438226059/still-no-costum.html

Amazon Friday sale: Robeez, nonslip liner, Aerobed, Annie Chun's noodles, digital cameras and frames, and too much kitchen and dining stuff to list

It's the Amazon Friday sale! And it's packed this week.

RobeezAnd, lo! Robeez! And with cute snowmen! In pink or blue! These were indispensable when my kids were babies. The price is right: $14.89 (almost half off).

We've published plenty of hacks involving nonslip shelf liner. The stuff comes in handy everywhere. A big roll of Griptex Wonderliner (12 x 240 inches) is on sale for $5.99 (60% off).

Got lots of family coming into town soon? Popular slumber party host? The Aerobed for Kids in on sale for $64.99 (35% off). These things are indeed comfy -- I've slept on one. Granted, many kids are fine sleeping on top of a pile of rocks, but if you have a Princess-and-the-Pea sort coming to sleep over, it's an option.

Annie Chun's noodle kits make another appearance this week (Black Bean Chow Mein, Teriyaki, and Original Chow Mein). These are some of my favorite kid convenience foods (my kids are Asian noodle hounds). $11 for a six-pack (just over half off).

Kodak EasyShare frameThere are so many good deals in the Kitchen and Dining category, I won't even list them here. If you need to stock up on supplies before Thanksgiving, have a look.

Today, the Electronics category is filled exclusively with digital cameras and digital photo frames. I'm glad to see that the prices of these frames are finally coming down. This Kodak EasyShare P720 frame is $79.99 today (20% off). This frame appears to be at the midrange in price -- you'll find cheaper and more expensive options in the sale as well.

Prices are good today only. Have fun!

On Parent Hacks at: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/parenthacks/~3/438101315/amazon-friday-4.html

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Escada Designer 'Honored' Sarah Palin Loves His Clothes | 'Stylista' Show Ratings Plummet | Cindy Crawford Comeback

Fashion Gods

Yves Saint Laurent’s Inner Circle Comes Stateside

The 40-year retrospective of the late, great designer's work opens there tomorrow. See video of Pierre Bergé's speech.

Model Tracker

Cindy Crawford Makes a Comeback in French ‘Vogue’

She stars in a fashion editorial and looks fierce.

Guilty Pleasures

Bravo Developing Five New Fashion-Themed Reality Shows

Including 'Fashionality,' which sounds like fashion's answer to those annoying political pundit shows.

Bidding Wars

Found on eBay: Margiela’s Dollar, Dollar Bills Y’All

Martin Margiela accessories line included these gray pumps with phony $22 bills on the toebox.

Model Tracker

Meet the New Girl: Emma Maclaren

The 17-year-old Worchester native made her runway debut last month, walking for everyone from Marc Jacobs to Givenchy.

Party Lines

Escada Designer ‘Honored’ Sarah Palin Loves His Clothes

He says, "She’s an attractive woman, so why not?"

Not on Top

Ratings for ‘America’s Next Top Model’ and ‘Stylista’ Sink This Week

Barack Obama's infomercial is probably to blame.

Get Out the Vote

Video: Zac Posen Semi-Vlogs for Barack Obama

And urges the American people to look good when they vote on Tuesday.

Loose Threads

Athletic Brands Won’t Skimp on Marathon Sponsorship

Also Bottega Veneta launches its first cruise campaign and Christmas windows are already going up.


Condé Nast Cans ‘Fashion Rocks’

The show and magazine supplement will go "on hiatus" for 2009.

First Looks

Sneak Peek at Charlotte Ronson’s JCPenney Line

The line might actually entice you to shop at JCPenney.

Fashion Porn

Do Drool Over This Collection of Vintage Avant-garde With Us

The Resurrection auction at Christie's includes an original Balenciaga and many other iconic pieces.

First Looks

Inside Catherine Malandrino’s New Book

The designer's celebrating her tenth anniversary with a retrospective book and a new West Coast store.

Fashion Calendar

Events and Sales: Win an Anya Hindmarch Bag; 75 Percent Off Miss Sixty

Also, 70 percent off MaxMara ends today.

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125 Watches

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Bracelet Analog Digital Sport
The Look Book

The Elephant in the Room

In a city where Democrats dominate, GOPers tend to hunker together. ?Look Book? watched the last debate with the Young Republican Club at Houndstooth Pub on Eighth Avenue.


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