

eWEEK Labs Walk-through: Windows 7

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eWEEK Labs Walk-through: Windows 7
At its Professional Developers Conference, Microsoft gave the public its first peek at the Windows client release that's supposed to make up for Vista. Based on our early tests of the new client, we're impressed with Seven's speed and polish.


Brought to you by Ziff Davis Enterprise

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Windows 7 Is a Big Improvement Over Vista
Review: Microsoft Windows 7 is a less ambitious offering than Vista, but more realistic goals is just what Microsoft needed. With its new features and improved performance, Windows 7 seems like a better version of Vista rather than a major step forward.

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Danny Coward, chief architect of the Client Software Group at Sun Microsystems, discusses Java Standard Edition 6 Update 10 and the future of the Java Platform with eWEEK.

LinkedIn Opens Applications Platform with Google, Amazon
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Are We Ready for the Windows Server Worm?
Larry Seltzer: Time was, a bug like MS08-067 would have been devastating to the Windows community. Changes over the last several years pushed through by Microsoft and market developments may have seriously limited the potential damage.

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