

The Fearmongers of Finance | Will an Obama Win be Bad for Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert?

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One Man Fights the War on Community Organizers, Drugs

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The Fearmongers of Finance

Click through to read about ten analysts who predict economic gloom and doom. IF YOU DARE.

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Knicks’ New Media Policy Apparently Doesn’t Prohibit Lip-Reading

In this week's look at the local sporting press, the Knicks' beat reporters get a juicy quote … by reading Mike D'Antoni's lips.

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If Someone Wants to Pay You for Sex, Walk Away

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Lydia Hearst Laughs Off Her ‘Page Six’ Feud

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Will an Obama Win be Bad for Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert?

Neither popular host has had to really deal with any leader other than the comedy-friendly George W. Bush.

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Ugh. CNN’s Election Countdown Has Already Begun

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Seinfelds Enable Madonna and A-Rod’s Unholy Alliance

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Obama Kicks Pro-McCain Newspapers Off Campaign Plane

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McCain Vows to Take Joe the Plumber to Washington

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Contentious Term-Limit Vote Drove Wedge Between Allies

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