

Developer Shed Weekly SEO News for 2009-01-01

January 01, 2009

Welcome to the first SEO Chat newsletter of the new year...or the last SEO Chat newsletter of the old year, depending upon what time it reaches your in box. Since the beginnings of new years are such a great time for looking forward and looking back, this week's item we're highlighting from eWeek focuses on 2008 as it affected one company: Microsoft. The Yahoo offer is here, plus a whole lot more. Be sure to check it out!

You'll also want to check out the articles we published for you on SEO Chat. Monday we focused on the growing importance of mobile devices. Many mobile device users surf the web from these portable helpers, but their hardware and software limitations can make it a less than fun experience. Check out the article for tips on making your mobile visitors more welcome. On Tuesday we looked at two of Google's better-known algorithms, Trustrank and Hilltop. We considered how they work, what they classify as important, and how you can turn that to your advantage in your climb to the top of the search engine results pages. On Wednesday, we explained how you can use images to help tell your story. Yes, they call for an extra step or two in the optimization department, but visitors love them; there's a reason they say that a picture is worth a thousand words.

We're not out of educational SEO material for you yet â€" not by a long shot. Have you visited Tutorialized yet? If not, you'll be delighted at the selection of SEO-related tutorials you can find there, just waiting to show you a trick or two you didn't know before. We've highlighted just a few of them in this newsletter, but rest assured, there's plenty more where those came from! And if you're feeling generous and want to share your own SEO knowledge, you can always submit a tutorial yourself.

This week's thread touches on some of the finer points of domain names. Can a little think like the last three or five letters of your domain name make a difference? What if it's a choice between a top-level and a country-code domain? And before you answer, what if you're trying to market to a specific country and nowhere else? Check out the thread for some answers, and don't forget to add a few of your own!

Our Spotlight, just for readers of our newsletter, touches on the long tail of search. The idea that outlying searches deliver as many â€" or more â€" conversions as searches for highly competitive keywords became part of the common SEO wisdom a few years ago. Now, however, many wonder if it's just hype. Who should you believe? Scroll down to the Spotlight to find our take, then click the link and check out the lively discussion in our forums!

As always, thanks for reading.

Until next time,
SEO Chat Staff

Using Images to Tell Your Story
Google`s Trust Rank and Hilltop Algorithms
Mobile Search Engine Optimization
SEO on Tutorialized
SEO Thread of The Week
SEO Chat News Spotlight
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Using Images to Tell Your Story
by Terri Wells

The Internet has come into its own as a visual medium, with entire sites devoted to still images and video. When searchers look for information or entertainment, they have come to want a little eye candy along with all those lines of text. What are some of the best ways to give them what they want?

Just a quick heads-up: I expect to jump back and forth between theory and practice in this article. For a long time, I did not use images in my articles at all; then I learned how to take screen shots, and realized how much they enhanced my search engine and web site reviews. I also learned just enough about taking pictures with digital cameras to get some good images for a monitor review on Dev Hardware. I still have a lot to learn, of course, but that seems to be the nature of technology in general.

I will start with something simple for those of you who might still be resistant to the idea of adding images to your blog. Maybe you have seen really crowded MySpace pages and you do not want your site to look so cluttered. Why should you use images?

Read Using Images to Tell Your Story


Google Trust Rank and Hilltop Algorithms
by Ivan Strouchliak

PageRank is not the only algorithm Google uses to determine relevancy of pages. In this article we discuss two more publicly known algorithms, Hilltop and Trust Rank. Keep reading for some enlightenment on how the most popular search engine ranks web sites.

Both algorithms are quite old in the search engine arena (2005), but are still in use, as is the initial PageRank algorithm (though much tweaked over time). You need to be aware of both in order to understand search engines better.

In this article we discuss Hilltop and TrustRank, the reasons behind those algorithms, and how to optimize better with each algorithm in mind. We also link to the official white papers that cover each algorithm and useful resources so you can learn and become more effective in SEO game.

Read Google`s Trust Rank and Hilltop Algorithms


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Mobile Search Engine Optimization
by Bruce Coker

If there is one area of certain growth in these troubled economic times, it is the mobile communications sector. And with significant improvements having emerged over the last few years in vital areas such as data transfer speed, screens and content, mobile devices are starting to challenge the PC as an Internet access device of choice. This in turn has raised a key issue in the Mobile Internet space: that of the optimization of sites for mobile devices and search engines.

It is all very well delivering a repackaged version of a standard web site to mobile devices, and most of the presentational challenges this raises have been addressed one way or another. But the fact remains that mobile Internet usage diverges from traditional usage in a number of important ways. The failure of content publishers to understand the implications of these differences for content can only lead to sub-standard mobile sites that run the risk of providing irrelevant material and poor usability. This in turn results in an impoverished mobile Internet experience for users, which impacts take-up and slows down the whole cycle.

It is clearly very much in the interests of content publishers to optimize their sites not just for the mobile user, but also the mobile search engine. This is particularly important when the site contains information of particular relevance to the mobile sector.

Read Mobile Search Engine Optimization


Check out the amazing tutorials from IBM developerWorks and see what all the buzz is about!

WebSphere Service Registry and Repository
Manage, govern, and share services across your organization by using WebSphere Service Registry and Repository. Follow the hands-on exercises to learn how to navigate the Web interface to publish, find, reuse, and update services.

Building JavaScript applications with JSEclipse
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Learn how to install and use the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client
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Improve your build process with IBM Rational Build Forge, Part 1: Create a continuous build and integration environment
Learn how to implement a build management system that uses and extends your existing automation technologies. This tutorial shows, step-by-step, how to install and configure IBM Rational Build Forge to manage builds for Jakarta Tomcat from source code.

Build Web services with transport-level security using Rational Application Developer V7, Part 1: Build Web services and Web services clients
Build secure Web services with transport-level security using IBM Rational Application Developer V7 and IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.1. Follow this three-part series for step-by-step instructions about how to develop Web services and clients, configure HTTP basic authentication, and configure HTTP over SSL (HTTPS). This first part of the series walks you through building a Web service for a simple calculator application. You generate and test two different types of Web services clients: a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) client and a stand-alone Java client. You also handle user-defined exceptions in Web services.

Test terminal-based applications with Rational Functional Tester
Regression testing -- in which code is thoroughly tested to ensure that changes have not produced unexpected results -- is an important part of any development process. But many testing environments neglect the terminal-based applications that still form the backbone of many industries. In this tutorial, you'll learn how the Rational Functional Tester Extension for Terminal-Based Applications works with other Rational Functional Tester to help test terminal-based applications quickly and easily.

Improve your build process with IBM Rational Build Forge,
Part 2: Automate builds for a real-world Tomcat project

Learn how Rational Build Forge can extend a simple compile and package build process by adding customization and deployment capability. Go from a manual method to automating: checking for code changes; getting the latest source; compiling and packaging; customizing; copying to and restarting a deployment server; and sending e-mail notification that a new version is available.

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Tutorialized is dedicated to programming, designing, and many other
tech related tutorials.

Google Adword Campaign
How to build your own Google Adword Campaign. Easy to follow set of instructions.
Read the tutorial.

How to Promote Site to Increase Traffic
SEO is about promoting your site.
Read the tutorial.

Easy Search Engine Friendly URLs with mod_rewrite
Create search engine friendly URLs easily with mod_rewrite.
Read the tutorial.

How Search Engines Operate
How search engines and its spiders actually work?
Read the tutorial.

SEO and Link Building for Quality Traffic
Build quality traffic using your keywords! Here is how!
Read the tutorial.

Make Engines Read Keywords
Force search engines to read your keywords.
Read the tutorial.


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How much does your URL's extension matter? With some websites targeting local markets, a good .com.au, say, may be better than a top-level domain. Either way, what should you do if you can't get the exact domain name you want? That's the question our original poster asked in this week's thread. Check out the forum thread and share your advice!

Dart Shop

Which Domain Extension To Optimize?

My target audience is AUSTRALIA and nowhere else; I am purely targeting a local area.

The domain I want in (dot)com(dot)au is unavailable, but it is available in .net So my question is, can a .net be optimized as well as a (dot)com(dot)au?

eg blue-widget .com .au
blue-widget .net

Do you think that there would be too many drawbacks to optimizing and competing against the .com.au that is currently registered, but parked and for sale?

I have no knowledge in this area and would really appreciate some advice. I wouldn't like to invest considerable time developing the site and content, when the odds are stacked against me from the start. The domain is hyphenated; I'm not keen on that, but the two key words are great and there is very little in the marketplace in this field.

Thanks in anticipation of your advice.


In my opinion, Australian server hosting and back links from sites hosted in Australia will work for you.


Though you're targeting specifically a particular area, you can certainly opt for a .Net URL if the .com .au URL is not available. The reason country-related URLs are helpful is to rank your website in the targeted local search engines based on the local search engine data centers. But that works up to a certain extent only.

There are many other parameters to ranking a website at the top in the targeted search engines. If you're opting for PPC to promote your website to target the local market, there is no need to bother about the .com .au or .Net. Either of them would drive leads through PPC.

Else, if you would like to opt for organic results, it would be better if you could build good relevant high page rank with Australian back links to your website with consistency. Due to the same, your website would be ranked high for you targeted keywords.

Always make sure, the on page content of your website is well optimized based on your targeted keywords and perform ethical link building to rank high in your targeted search engines

Posts from this thread may have been abridged or removed. Forum members are responsible for the content of these posts.
Read the full thread.

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Long Tail Keywords: Worth the Effort?

As often happens in our SEO Chat forums, a number of our members came in on various sides of a question. This one concerned long tail keywords. We all know that these are supposed to be better for conversions than their shorter, more competitive counterparts, but that didn't match the experience (and site stats) of one of our forum members at all. So he had to ask: are they really important, or just hype?

The final answer: it depends. Some posters questioned, if not the entire idea of long tail keywords, at least what should be considered as such. Is “car insurance” a long tail keyword, since “insurance” is the short version? What about “car insurance orlando florida”? Forum gadfly fathom did the math, pointing out just how many different variations you can get and how many potential conversions.

Other forum members observed that, if you're targeting more competitive key phrases, of course most of your traffic will come from those. In that case, your long tail traffic will be a bonus rather than your chief source of income. After all, if you can get traffic for “event planning,” you should be able to get traffic for “event planning and preparation,” right?

Possibly...but the problem is, just how do you aim for those long tail keywords? Going for the location helps, but, to paraphrase Google's Udi Manber, what do you do when up to a quarter of the queries the search engine sees on a single day are queries it has never seen before? Can you use the same strategy if you're going for long tail keywords as you would when you're trying to score with the more competitive ones? And are there times when you should try for one or the other but not both?

As you'd expect, there wasn't exactly a consensus. A number of members suggested, however, that if you've built a new web site that's trying to work its way into a competitive space, you should probably try to go for long tail keywords and “bootstrap” yourself up, hoping the sales you get from those will help you grow.

This leaves the question of strategy and exactly how you do this. Long tail keywords are not searched for often (remember that figure from Manber) so how do you know what to target? You might not. If you're going for the long tail, you want lots of different variations on key phrases. That means lots of content. It should be good content, of course, but still, you're looking at a lot of writing. If you decide to go after the competitive phrases, on the other hand, you probably need to think more about link building and link bait. As one forum member put it, “You won't get anything from traditional keyword targeting if you don't have the link weight to back you up.”

So, if you're better at writing content, you're in a good position to get traffic from the long tail. If you're better at link building, you might want to make a play for the more competitive keywords. And “If you can manage both,” observed forum member Joshua Watson, “well...then it's a moot issue, is it not?” Good luck!

Read the forum thread associated with this item

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