

Commercial Real Estate Update

The Wall Street Journal Commercial Real Estate

January 14, 2009 -- 11:00 a.m. EST


California's Inland Empire has gone from a booming development smorgasbord to a basket case in a few years.


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As the Obama administration assembles its stimulus plan, many contractors are lobbying for projects that will spend money fast rather than focusing on longer-term policy goals.


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The rapid reversal of fortunes in commercial real estate is taking down yet another sector: apartment complexes.


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Home prices are likely to be lower in two years in more than one-quarter of the nation's housing markets, according to a new study.


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Landlords in the U.K. are expected to step up tenant incentives as office buildings, shopping centers and other commercial property head for another year of falling values.


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Developer Bruce Ratner is considering scaling back his ambitious plan for a $1 billion Gehry-designed arena for the New Jersey Nets basketball team in Brooklyn.


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Delinquencies on mortgages for hotels, shopping malls and office buildings were sharply higher in the fourth quarter.


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Retailers, having just struggled through one of the worst holiday shopping seasons in recent memory, are now trying to share the pain with their landlords.


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A veteran British property investment team has sat on their vulture fund, waiting for the right moment to pounce on the growing carnage in commercial real estate. Now their venture is making its first move.


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General Growth Properties settled a suit with Caruso Affiliated Holdings over mall-lease tactics for $48 million. Charge against earnings is partially reversed.


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Steven Good, CEO of a Chicago real-estate auction firm, was found dead in an apparent suicide. It wasn't clear if there was any connection to his business.


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Spending on U.S. construction projects is holding up better than expected, but it is likely to falter in the coming months.


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Office rents declined throughout the U.S. as business slowed and landlords grappled with a growing expanse of empty space.


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General Growth changed its bankruptcy counsel to Weil Gotshal, parting with Sidley Austin.


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The global economic crisis has taken its toll on real-estate deals in practically every market. Here is a scorecard of how some of them fared this year. - Photos: Real-Estate Fallout


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Los Angeles's newest luxury hotels are showing signs of strain as room occupancy rates fall.


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REITs have suffered their worst year on record, with a key index down 40%. Industry experts see a rebound in '09.



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