

I can help you with this, Indiana

Hi Indiana,

How long have you been trying to make money on the Internet?

Are you satisfied with the results you're getting?

If you answered "Too long" and "Not enough" then you need to pay close attention, because I can give you the help with your business that you need...

See, over the next 10 days, a small group of people will have the opportunity to WORK WITH ME to dramatically accelerate the speed you start making real profits on the Internet.

I am not talking about another training manual, DVD, or teleconference.

I am talking about my team and I working with you one-on-one to show you the most direct route from where you are today to a money-making Internet business.

Here's the catch though...

I want down-to-earth students, truly committed to being successful on the Internet. My time is valuable and I only want to work with people that "have what it takes."

I don't want to work with self-defeating tire kickers and procrastinators who are perpetually jumping from opportunity to opportunity never really getting anywhere with anything.

So if you are one of the few people who is willing to do what it takes, and are ready to make the investment, and take the time, come by and convince me.

Here you'll find more details on the qualification process to be part of this elite group of soon-to-be-Internet Success Stories.

All the best...

Derek Gehl, CEO
The Internet Marketing Center

The Internet Marketing Center
380-2925 Virtual Way
Vancouver BC V5M 4X5

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