

[Parent Hacks] 1 new post in Parent Hacks

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Happy New Year, Parenthackers!

Ah, back home after a sunny vacation in Southern California (and copious Twittering from Disneyland!). I'm now cuddled on the couch with husband, kids, and dog watching movies till the clock strikes twelve, but I wanted to pop on and wish all of you a wonderful holiday and New Year. I hope your holidays have been full of celebration or quiet -- whatever restores you. And I'm so glad to have spent another year with you, swapping tips, sharing stories, and generally marveling at your warmth and generosity. I love hanging out with you every day.

Here's a little holiday greeting from me and the rest of my Momversation pals -- I thought I'd share my crazy Portland snowfall with you!

On Parent Hacks at: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/parenthacks/~3/b8_7W5Ayxec/happy-holidays.html

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