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Photo valentine saves kids from having to sign each card

Jamie from Travel Savvy Mom offers this smart class valentine shortcut:

I'm convinced that for every child that loves making painstakingly handcrafted, one-of-a-kind valentines, there are ten who can barely be prevailed upon to fill in the blanks after "To" and "From". For preschoolers and kindergarteners especially, 20 valentines (plus 2 for the teachers) can represent a daunting mountain of penmanship.

Last year, when I was struggling through what seemed like a bottomless box of valentine cards with my 5-year-old, I wished there were a better way. It turns out, there was. When the valentines came home later that week, one stood out among the Hello Kitty and Spiderman cards: a photo of one of my son's classmates grinning broadly and holding a handmade sign that read, "Happy Valentine's Day. Love, William."

People would probably still have time to order from Shutterfly for another week or so. (Or, do a quick-and-dirty color print with the home printer. I'm sure they'd look great, but I wouldn't want to spend Shutterfly prices on throwaway valentines. -- Ed.)

Another option: starting now, have your kid sign one or two valentines per day. No daunting mountain of cards, writing practice, good habit-forming, too.

Any more ideas for simplifying the annual class valentine?

Related: Valentine hack: Make personalized Valentine photo stickers

On Parent Hacks at: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/parenthacks/~3/iSKgvE1feh8/photo-valentine-saves-kids-from-having-to-sign-each-card.html

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