

A practical guide to building a patch management process

Web Buyer's Guide Member Update

A Practical Guide to Building a Patch Management Process
Timely patching of every organization's IT systems is critical to maintaining the operational availability, confidentiality, and integrity of information assets. Failure to keep operating system and application software patched increases the potential risk of serious financial, legal and reputation losses due to information compromise. Losses may result if such assets are compromised as a result of a Internet worm, virus outbreak, or a hacker gaining access through exploitation ofunpatched system vulnerabilities. For an organization to succeed at effectively managing its system patching, executive management, working with security managers who operate the program, must initiate and support an organization-wide Security Vulnerability and Patch Management Program.
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  Application Delivery: A Handbook of 40 Tips
IT organizations have two primary functions: applications development and applications delivery. Applications development involves a variety of tasks including developing new software, acquiring software from a third party, integrating software modules and maintaining software. Applications delivery involves any task required to ensure a secure, cost effective and acceptable level of application performance.
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  Eliminating SQL Server Sprawl: The User Experience
Microsoft SQL Server's relatively low cost, steadily increasing capabilities and ease of deployment have all combined to accelerate its growth. However, that same growth has led to a phenomenon commonly called SQL Server "sprawl" -- the rampant proliferation of SQL Server database instances. This study from Illuminata explores relevant user experiences and common themes gleaned from recent customer interviews.
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  Defrag Myth Busters: What You Should Know
Fragmentation is one of the most serious problems that plague computers around the globe. It accounts for billions in lost revenue and production. It is also one of the leading causes of a wide range of common computer problems, system failures, and early hardware replacement. Why don't users and IT departments take more action to protect themselves against fragmentation? Quite frankly, most users don't think they have a fragmentation problem, or they think that their modern systems are immune to disk fragmentation.
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  It's Time to Board the Virtualization Train
Why have the majority of large enterprises embraced virtualization technology and why are mid-size businesses the fastest growing market segment or new virtualization initiatives? If you're not already aboard the virtualization train, then read this paper and get on it quickly. More and more mid-size companies are deploying virtualization to transform their IT infrastructure into a highly efficient and flexible enabler to gain cost and time-to-market advantages with their business operations. By not deploying virtualization, you may soon find yourself at a competitive disadvantage.
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  Code Signing: Can It Really Protect Your Intellectual Property?
With Code Signing and VeriSign Code Signing Digital Certificates, an application is as safe and trustworthy to customers as it would be if the author had it shrink-wrapped and sold on a store shelf. As a result, developers benefit by building trust with their customers which can lead to increased sales over their online channel. As the practice of signing a company's software product with VeriSign Code Signing Digital Certificates becomes more and more commonplace, customers will increasingly look for this level of reassurance before performing downloads. This may results in an adverse impact on sales for vendors who fail to use them and a heightened value for those who do.
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