

Small business servers: How to stop focusing on break/fix

Web Buyer's Guide White Paper Spotlight

Small Business Servers: How to Stop Focusing on Break/Fix
To stay in business, small businesses need help with basic IT chores, which are becoming more mission-critical than ever even as they grow more time-consuming to deliver. In other words, there are many small businesses today that are not even protected. The reason, in most cases, is that small businesses don't have the IT skills or solutions to perform common chores like backing up critical data or developing a way to restore systems that crash or become damaged when a pipe breaks or there is a fire, flood or other disaster.
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Rolling Out Both Windows Vista and Office 2007: Four Key Steps
Though a number of organizations are migrating to Windows Vista and Office 2007 separately, there is a more optimal solution, since managing two individual rollouts can dramatically increase the workload and business disruption. A separate approach requires the IT department to perform each of the following tasks twice: desktop inventories, scheduling, defining the deployment method, file distribution and troubleshooting.
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Seven Ways to Achieve High Availability While Cutting Costs
High availability for systems and data is a high-priority goal for business. The business itself is solidly focused on business processes -- the processes directly related to providing goods and services to end customers -- and the ability to access worldwide business systems anytime, anywhere. It is important to ensure that these systems are protected by a combination of hardware, software, and services that ensure high availability so that the systems can be accessed whenever needed, from anywhere in the network.
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Next-Gen Load Balancing: Delivering Advanced Web Apps
As the global business environment has evolved, companies have significantly expanded their reliance on remote and mobile access to business applications over the Internet. Due to the incorporation of Web 2.0 functionality, applications have become far more dynamic and interactive compared to their predecessors. For all these reasons, businesses recognize they cannot function effectively without a robust solution to ensure uninterrupted, secure and high-performance access to network-based business applications and corporate websites.
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Five Best Practices for A More Resource-Efficient Network
The path to environmental sustainability is the right path, for a host of reasons. Besides the obvious goal of reducing your network's impact on the environment, going green can and should be accompanied by a similarly healthy improvement in the return on your company's IT investment. Reducing resource consumption, improving efficiency and wringing the most utility out of every watt of power are good for the Earth and good for your business.
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Security and Trust: Four Benefits of Extended Validation (EV)
Gaining the trust of online customers is vital for the success of any company that requires sensitive data to be provided over the Web. In e-commerce, consumers are concerned about identity theft and are therefore justifiably leery of providing untrusted sources with their personal information, especially their credit card numbers to pay for transactions.
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