

Storage Consolidation Without Compromise


Storage Consolidation Without Compromise

In these challenging economic times, consolidating servers has become a top priority of just about every IT organization in existence. But while everyone wants to save money, nobody wants to sacrifice performance or availability. That's why IT organizations need to step up to a new class of NAS storage products and technologies that will allow them to consolidate servers with having to compromise on performance and availability.

How to Consolidate Windows File Servers While Boosting Performance and Availability
A reference architecture coupled with some suggested configurations is an indispensable tool when it comes consolidating Windows Files Servers. Others may talk about doing it, but here is some practical advice on how to get started and then actually optimize your Windows File Server environment.

Demystifying NAS Clustering Software for Enterprise Storage
NAS clustering software may have it roots in high-performance computing environments, but the technology is about to go mainstream as IT organizations look to create more efficient pools of data storage without sacrificing performance. And best of all, those goals can be accomplished while simultaneously driving down the total cost of storage ownership in the enterprise.

NAS Clusters Provide Higher Levels of Business Continuity
Rather than have to acquire, build, and manage duplicate storage systems, NAS cluster solutions provide built-in backup and automatic recovery capabilities that ensure the highest possible levels of continuity for the extended enterprise.

Storage Spending Plans Shift for 2009
Rather than continuing to spend money in the same old way to inefficiently manage storage, a new Ziff Davis Enterprise study finds that modern IT organizations are eagerly looking forward to next-generation storage technologies that make it easier to manage not only increasing amounts of data, but also varying types of data that are increasing with the advent of multimedia applications in the enterprise.

Animation Maker Draws on HP to Consolidate Storage While Increasing Performance
Crest Animation is one of the top emerging digital studios to rely on HP NAS clustering solutions to get the most out its storage investments. You can check out a demo of HP NAS clustering solutions for digital media environments here or download HP's latest streaming media content reference guide here.

Scalable NAS Storage Comes to Oracle Environments
As IT organizations get ready to upgrade to the latest versions of Oracle's next-generation database and applications, the time to think about a new approach to enterprise storage that saves both precious time and scarce money is finally at hand.

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