

How to best manage printer creep

Web Buyer's Guide White Paper Spotlight

How to Best Manage Printer Creep
The days of the monstrous centralized printer in the glass-enclosed room are all but gone. Workers want proximity and speed with their printing devices, as well as color options. Because of this, IT managers have to constantly wrangle with printers that creep into offices. A lot of people just go out and buy printers and put them in their office, and they're all different brands. That's an expensive proposition from a company perspective because of all the supplies you have to track. Learn how to effectively manage those devices.
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Why is Complex Event Processing So Important?
We all have an intuitive idea of what an event is. However, when it comes to the use of the term "event" within a business context then it is easy to get confused. This paper seeks to explain what events are, why they are important to your business, and what the options are for processing and managing these events (depending on their type and volume). Complex event processing, in particular, represents a rapidly growing market, especially in financial services, but it also has potential uses in more or less every other vertical sector. In practice, it is one possible component of an event driven architecture but for highly complex and/or high throughput environments it is an essential one.
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Does Remote Access Infringe on Corporate Security?
Workplace mobility is on the rise as more organizations explore the advantages of enabling employees to work anytime, anywhere. If your company hasn't adopted a mobile work strategy yet, the request from management is likely on its way. If, however, you already have a mobile or remote work program in place, you are well aware of the return on investment that mobility provides -- from increased employee productivity and organizational agility to the ability to attract and retain top talent and much more. Of course, enabling mobility means that you have to provide employees with remote access to office computers, which naturally invites the question: Does remote access infringe on corporate security?
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IP Convergence: The 1st Step on the Path to Unified Communication
The more places a network can reach, the greater its usefulness. This is the promise of unified communications (UC). In order to successfully deploy a UC strategy, all the necessary steps must be taken to ensure that the system works as intended. IP convergence is the first major step on that path. Being a mature technology, IP convergence is at a point where its implementation is fairly standardized. Still, the efficiency and cost savings are being realized for a variety of applications and functions. The key factors involved center around having systems in place to manage data, voice and video traffic -- the integration of discrete network elements -- and keeping current with IP and other associated protocols. However, there are some other important aspects that must be considered.
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Comprehensive LAN Security: A Business Requirement
Organizations today rely on their wired and wireless LANs and other networks for the information, processes and resources they need to remain competitive in today's ever-changing business environment. To protect against the increasing sophistication of network security threats, enterprises must work diligently to adopt a comprehensive security solution. Securing LANs provides an essential first line of defense against threats.
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Ten Top Problems Network Techs Encounter
Networks today have evolved quickly to include business critical applications and services, relied on heavily by users in the organization. In this environment, network technicians are required to do more than simply add new machines to the network. Often they are called on to troubleshoot more complex issues, thus keeping the network up and running at top speed. This white paper discusses ten common problems encountered by technicians today and their symptoms, causes, and resolutions.
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