

[VIP Update] T.H.E. Holy Thistle and Silymarin


Enzymatic Therapy
Super Milk Thistle
60 caps
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40% OFF
SRP $20.50
Natural Factors Milk Thistle Phytosome
90 caps
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40% OFF
SRP $21.95
Sale Price
Enzymatic Therapy
Complete Liver Cleanse
84 caps
liver cleanse [http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102564675213&s=2750&e=001fj7gtT7LFH1r6OQHiHOrSTWXIrBD_LTG6OXD6vvwOJhM23FRItKZY22xWDNw0dKInMP0k41J040wZru_QW5uLfJPXtQ29lA4ZwEQyWXTFQsGgfNo62otuJpF4QhQdf6X_KjIs0wUTkm1zS8oDkx28rRGMIfFiBc1W3zJX-sUvCFxJGl4wk_3M22O7RjRsS5v]
40% OFF
SRP $24.95
Sale Price
Jarrow Formulas
100 caps
silymarin [http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102564675213&s=2750&e=001fj7gtT7LFH1QBjMIsV2jXtvzRHFHizvSa-D42z7AMhH8eyM8DCPqPfQ6wFHw3yWLz1L4-oIQEovK3OF6-hbC7_sRVtB1HT_BGc3ZS_1XE6r7kCVrIJOdCzXiTumJSgO9m2YjTJreop6Hav0PqseX1VZsszle9547mZhRwRZI_eJ0XICa8vTLTDluy0fjjm9V]
40% OFF
SRP $11.95
Sale Price

Holy Thistle and Silymarin [http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102564675213&s=2750&e=001fj7gtT7LFH1i4fbneb65_zF5cP7YEzHyzm0YSv1GjTHjoReb5HF9rEkRAuJLW6exavZkUNFQssw-QtN8bn9a0xEjH_euGPfsMI1CBdIs5N45v352uUYE1kRYOdnfCqU8]

The herb Milk Thistle, or Holy Thistle, may actually have the ability to prolong
and save lives.[1] It has a long history of medicinal use and today may be one
of the most promising plants for us. Historically it has often been used over the
last 2000 years to treat various liver and gallbladder conditions. Domestically,
Milk Thistle is often thought of as a troublesome weed in many gardens. It is more
often than not the, plant to keep your distance from due to its many tiny sharp
thorns. However, it is not just defensive in nature physically, it also provides
us defense against many toxins detrimental to our health.
Milk Thistle is a plant native to the Mediterranean regions of Europe, North Africa
and the Middle East. It can now also be found growing in the wild in California
and the eastern United States. It is believed that the name "Milk Thistle" may have
come from it being used to help stimulate the flow of milk in nursing mothers.[2]
Or, the name may come from two features from the leaves; they are mottled with
splashes of white and contain a milky sap-like substance.[3]
The ripe seeds or fruit of Milk Thistle contains a special flavonoid complex called
Silymarin. Silymarin is believed to be chiefly responsible for the medicinal properties
of Milk Thistle. It is an extremely effective antioxidant, even more so than Vitamin
E.[4] Antioxidants help to fight the destructive processes of oxidation in the
A number of studies have suggested that Silymarin is an anti-inflammatory.[5] This
is especially important for protecting liver cells from swelling due to stress or
injury. Milk Thistle is known to protect and regenerate the liver in many liver
conditions such as cirrhosis, jaundice and hepatitis. It may be one of the best
preventative treatments that we have today for protecting each cell of the liver
from incoming toxins. It also encourages the liver to cleanse itself of damaging
substances such as alcohol, drugs, heavy metals, pesticides and even the most poisonous
of mushrooms, the Amanita. The Amanita mushroom is responsible for the majority
of fatal mushroom poisoning cases.[6] Milk Thistle is known as the leader in herbs
to treat liver disease because of the detoxifying affects and its ability to help
lower enzyme levels. It also protects the liver for those who are taking prescription
medications known to elevate liver enzymes.[7]
Milk Thistle is a demulcent which soothes and moistens mucous membranes. This can
be helpful for kidney and bladder irritations as well as inflammation of the skin.[8]
Because Milk Thistle is a powerful herb for supporting the liver, it naturally
helps to purify the blood. Impure blood can often result in skin problems. Many
people suffering from skin problems ranging from acne to severe eczema have reported
a clearing of skin impurities, healing of redness and inflammation, and a softening
and moistening of dry cracking skin when using Milk Thistle.[9] There are also
several skin care products that contain Silymarin because of its antioxidant activity.
It is believed that Silymarin may reduce the risk for skin cancer by providing protection
from different stages of UV-B induced carcinogenesis (the origin of the onset of
These recommendations, as with any supplements, may not be helpful for everyone.
Milk Thistle is related to the ragweed, daisy, marigold and the chrysanthemum family
of herbs and probably should not be taken if you are allergic to any of them. We
always recommend consulting with a physician before starting a new nutritional

Although Milk Thistle or its constituent Silymarin's role as an antioxidant and
or liver protector is well known, its role as an anticancer agent has begun to emerge.
The evidence suggests that Milk Thistle may possess many therapeutic properties.
Extensive research within the last decade has shown that Silymarin can suppress
the proliferation or of a variety of tumor cells of the prostate, breast, ovary,
colon, lung, and bladder. [10]
The anti-inflammatory effects of Silymarin are also involved with the suppression
of a group of pro-inflammatory enzymes. These findings have broadened the role of
suppressing NK-kB, the enzyme that regulates the immune and inflammatory responses
to include the regulation of apoptosis or cell death in tumors.[11] Furthermore,
the suppression of these substances like the enzyme (NF-kB) may provide new molecular
targets for the treatment of many chronic inflammatory conditions, as well as certain
malignancies or tumors.[12] Numerous studies have also indicated that Silymarin
is a chemopreventive agent against a variety of carcinogens and tumor promoters.
Studies are now in progress to demonstrate the clinical efficacy of Silymarin against
various cancers.[13]
In cancer chemoprevention studies, the identification of better anti-tumor-promoting
agents is highly desired because they may have a wider applicability in fighting
the development of clinically diagnosed cancers.[14] Both epidemiological and
animal studies have suggested that microchemicals present in the diet and several
herbs and plants with diversified pharmacological properties are useful agents for
the prevention of a wide variety of human cancers.[15] Numerous agents derived from
plants can suppress these cell signaling intermediates, including curcumin (from
turmeric), resveratrol (red grapes, cranberries and peanuts), tea polyphenols,
genistein (soy), quercetin (onions), silymarin (artichoke & milk thistle), and
withanolides (ashwagandha).[16] In addition, it appears that Silymarin raises protective
glutathione levels which are known to strengthen the immune system.[17] We highly
recommend the daily consumption of organic vegetables and herbs, high in protective
antioxidants and Enzymatic Therapys' Super Milk Thistle formula. A combination
of artichoke, dandelion, and licorice, with a patented phytosome process, that is
recognized by the German Commission E, as a worldwide authority in herbal effectiveness
and quality.
Diabetes in The United States is a growing health problem. One major contributing
factor is the rise in obesity in the U.S. Antioxidants are one well established
method of helping people with diabetes to control their blood sugar levels. Research
published in the health journal, Phytotherapy, shows that Silymarin extract can
help people significantly lower the amount of sugar bound to hemoglobin in their
blood. Conversely, Silymarin can also help moderate the impact of consistently
low blood sugar levels on the system when fasting. The liver also works in tandem
with the pancreas to regulate blood-sugar levels. Science has shown that supplementing
with Silymarin improves most indicators of blood-sugar control.[18] We recommend
a combination of herbal extracts known to reduce and promote healthy blood sugar
levels and healthy liver function as well. Research indicates that turmeric and
artichoke are promising functional foods for the prevention or improvement of conditions
of type II diabetes.[19] We recommend Natural Factors' Milk Thistle Phytosome with
turmeric & artichoke in conjunction with a low glycemic diet. Research indicates
that these herbal medicinals have similar properties that promote optimal blood
sugar levels, liver function, and can significantly reduce inflammation. [20]
The liver plays vital roles in metabolism, energy reserves or glycogen storage,
hormone production, digestion, and, most critically, the body's chemical defense
system. The worst case scenario for the liver is the development of a fatty liver
or what's known as 'steatosis'. Steatosis can lead to inflammation of the liver
or steatohepatitis which can progress to cirrhosis of the liver.[21] Given the present
realities of the presence of pesticides, herbicides and hormones used in our food
production and present in the food we eat, in the very best of cases the liver has
an oversized job to perform. Although regulatory levels set by the FDA and other
authorities provide some protection with regard to toxic residues, our livers fight
a daily uphill battle to maintain our health. It is the organ that metabolizes toxic
substances and excretes them from our bodies. Thousands of toxic chemicals are added
to or present in our food. Over 700 have so far been identified in our drinking
water alone in many parts of the U.S. Plants, both in the production of food as
well as in and around our homes, are routinely sprayed with toxic chemicals. And
animals raised for consumption are commonly injected with potent hormones, steroids,
growth stimulants and antibiotics. A significant amount of our food is genetically
engineered, processed, overly refined, preserved, frozen and cooked. All this can
lead to the destruction of delicate vitamins and minerals, most of which are absolutely
vital for the detoxification pathways in the liver, not to mention their importance
to our general nutrition and general health.[22]
To enhance your liver health we recommend plenty of exercise to maintain healthy
body weight and the consumption of a variety of organic whole foods and herbs.
It is also vitally important to stop toxifying your system to allow the liver time
to heal and regenerate itself.[23] Alcohol, pain analgesics, and pharmaceutical
drugs are all known to damage liver tissue.[24] We always recommend drinking plenty
of purified water daily and a complete liver cleanse periodically to stimulate bile
flow to ensure optimal liver function. It is also especially important to consume
plenty of high fiber foods during cleansing periods to help maximize proper toxin
absorption and elimination. Enzymatic Therapys' Complete Liver Cleanse is safe,
effective, and comes highly recommended. If your preference is a single Silymarin
extract we believe that Jarrow Formulas' Silymarin is one of the best. It is concentrated
30:1Milk Thistle Seed Extract and standardized to contain 80% active ingredient.
Also, Jarrow Formulas' products are always first rate in quality and value.
40% OFF
Enzymatic Therapy Super Milk Thistle (60 caps)
SRP $20.50 Sale Price $12.30
Enhances Liver Function & Detoxification
40% OFF
Natural Factors Milk Thistle Phytosome (90 caps)
SRP $21.95 Sale Price $13.17
Enhanced Bio-available Milk Thistle
40% OFF
Enzymatic Therapy Complete Liver Cleanse (84 caps)
SRP $24.95 Sale Price $14.97
2 Week Cleanse to Rejuvenate & Energize
40% OFF
Jarrow Formulas Silymarin (100 caps)
SRP $11.95 Sale Price $7.17
Standardized Milk Thistle Seed Extract 80% Silymarin
40% OFF
[1] Articlebase.com/alternative-medicine-articles
[2] Ezinearticles.com/?Herbal-home-Remedy---Milk-Thistle&id=610339
[3] En.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milk_thistle
[4] Ezinearticles.com/?Herbal-home-Remedy---Milk-Thistle&id=610339
[5] Essiac-tea-herbal-remedies-.com/milk-thistle.html
[6] Essiac-tea-herbal-remedies-.com/milk-thistle.html
[7] Skyeherbals.com/material_medica/milk_thistle.php
[8] Naturalnews.com/023997
[9] Skyeherbals.com/material_medica/milk_thistle.php
[10] Cytokine Research Laboratory, Department of Experimental Therapeutics, The
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas 77030, ETATS-UNIS
[11] Cytokine Research Laboratory, Department of Experimental Therapeutics, The
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas 77030, ETATS-UNIS
[12] http://ben-may.uchicago.edu/bmi2/faculty/franzoso.htm
[13] Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, University of Colorado
Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado 80262, ETATS-UNIS
[14] http://grande.nal.usda.gov/ibids/index.php?mode2=detail&origin=ibids_references&therow=422970
[15] http://grande.nal.usda.gov/ibids/index.php?mode2=detail&origin=ibids_references&therow=422970
[16] Science Direct, Natural products as a treatment for arthritis
[17] Department of Dermatology, Skin Diseases Research Center [M-L. C., S. K. K.,
R. R. M., R. A.], and CWRU Ireland Cancer Center University Hospitals of Cleveland
[R. A.], Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio 44106; Center for Cancer
Causation and Prevention, AMC Cancer Research Center, Denver, Colorado 80214 [R.
A.]; and University of Colorado Cancer Center, University of Colorado Health Sciences
Center, Denver, Colorado 80262 [R. A.]
[18] http://www.anapsid.org/cnd/diffdx/prediabetes.html
[19] http://www.biomedexperts.com/Abstract.bme/15863912/Hypoglycemic_effects_of_turmeric_Curcuma_longa_L_rhizomes_on_genetically_diabetic_KK-Ay_mice
[20] P. Nazni, T. Poongodi Vijayakumar, Dept of Food Science, Periyar University,
Salem, Tamindadu, India.
[21] http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/id/QAA46639
[22] http://www.liverfoundation.org/education/info/progression/
[23] http://www.liverfoundation.org/education/info/progression/
[24] http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/id/QAA46639

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From all of us at The Health Emporium, we wish you well. We hope, every day,
you have a great day!
Tia and Robert

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