

EMC's $1.8 Billion Bid for Data Domain Hard to Top

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The Channel Insider Daily Newsletter
June 3, 2009  
Brought to you by Ziff Davis Enterprise

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Top Stories
EMC Makes Surprise Bid for Data Domain
Server Market Slip 'n Slide: Where Do Your Vendors Fit?
Cyberwar Arms Race May Create New Channel Opportunities
Acer to Sell Google OS Android Netbook PCs in Q3
Also of Interest
HP Software Revamps Partner Program Licensing
Cisco Extends Payment Terms, Financing Options
Tech Analysis
Collaboration First Up for Cisco Partners
At its partner event today, Cisco is introducing IP telephony endpoints, expanded opportunities to sell TelePresence systems, and new collaboration and unified communications solutions and licensing options.
CI Video
Microsoft's Grand ForeFront Plan
Microsoft will begin releasing the next generation of its security suite, ForeFront: Code Name Stirling, at the end of the year. Doug Leland, general manager of Microsoft's Identity and Security Unit, discusses the advancements in ForeFront and Microsoft's vision for its security products.
Featured Podcast
Web 2.0 Insecurities
In this Changing Channels podcast hosted by Mike Vizard, the director of product marketing for Web and data security at Websense, David Meizlik, talks about the security opportunities for solution providers that result from the continued proliferation of Web 2.0 applications.
In This Issue
EMC Makes Surprise Bid for Data Domain
EMC could short-circuit NetApp's plans to acquire Data Domain with a tempting all-cash offer of $1.8 billion and plans to combine deduplication technologies.

Server Market Slip 'n Slide: Where Do Your Vendors Fit?
Server hardware sales have taken a larger than average hit this past year, due mainly to the recession but also to the wave of server and data center virtualization. IBM and HP lead the pack of vendors, but for better trending take a look at these numbers.

Cyberwar Arms Race May Create New Channel Opportunities
President Obama's plan to secure the Internet and the U.S. critical infrastructure is motivating the Pentagon to create new defensive and offensive weapons for cyberpace. That may open new opportunities for solution providers and integrators.

Acer to Sell Google OS Android Netbook PCs in Q3
The netbooks will run on Intel's low-cost and low-performance Atom processor; the company also said it would continue to ship netbooks with Microsoft Windows.

Featured Whitepapers
10 Ways to Make Sure Mobile Workers Aren't Slacking
The standard 9-5 day job is rare. We live our lives switched on and plugged in. This creates an expectation. People expect work to support a more fluid style of life. Now, the bad news: If you can't see it, monitor it, or measure it, how do you manage it and make sure your mobile workers are really working?

How to Prevent Data Loss with an Exchange Migration
Most migrations can't be done over a single weekend -- many take several weeks or months. During that time, it's critical that messaging functionality be up and running without interruption, even when some user accounts are housed in Exchange Server 2007 and others remain in the source messaging platform.

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