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Posted: 03 Jun 2009 05:18 AM PDT

The economy is so bad that even princesses have to take time from whatever it is princesses do every day and actually get a job. One Princess Amerah of Salt Lake City, Utah, got herself a sweet gig: you can rent her to host your kid’s birthday party!

Don’t let my daughter see this or I’d have to fly the Princess in for her next birthday party … Link - via J-Walk Blog

Machine Keeps Heart Beating Outside of Body

Posted: 03 Jun 2009 05:16 AM PDT

Researchers at the North Carolina State University has developed a machine that can keep a heart beating outside the body. The potential medical benefit is huge, though for whatever reason I kept on thinking about Dr. Frankenstein:

"Researchers can obtain pig hearts from a pork processing facility and use the system to test their prototypes or practice new surgical procedures," says Andrew Richards, a Ph. D. student in mechanical engineering at NC State who designed the heart machine.

The computer-controlled machine, which operates using pressurized saline solution, also allows researchers to film the interior workings of the pumping heart - enabling them to ascertain exactly which surgical technologies and techniques perform best for repairing heart valves.

Link - via jwz

Oh, there’s a video all right:

[YouTube Clip]

Luminous Craters: Street Art by Luzinterruptus

Posted: 03 Jun 2009 05:15 AM PDT

Photo: Gustavo Sanabria

Who knows why the Department of Public Works in Madrid drilled these holes in the asphalt of the same street as the year before - but one thing we do know: they set the stage for urban street art team Luzinterruptus’ art installation "Luminous Craters."

Link | More at Gustavo Sanabria’s Flickr photoset: Link - via Invisible Red

Jedi Kirby Cross Stitch

Posted: 03 Jun 2009 05:14 AM PDT

What’s more awesome than Star Wars? How about a cross stitch of lightsaber duelin’ jedi Kirby by Flickr user gamerghoul13? Link - via Geekadelphia

Talkin’ bout Jedi Kirby, here’s an animated gif by deviantArt user Yoshio1pal. Marvel at the awesomeness (or similarity to Star Wars Kid [wiki]) and weep:

Popular and Unique Soft Drinks From Around the World - Part 2

Posted: 03 Jun 2009 04:22 AM PDT

This is part 2 to the soft drinks from around the world that was published earlier. Makes me miss Moxie and Vernors.

Vegitabeta. VegitaBeta is an orange-colored soft drink consisting primarily of water and sugar. The product contains 3mg of beta-carotene per 100ml serving; an entire bottle contains 4.8mg. Although the product contains less than 10% juice, the label is filled with pictures of vegetables such as carrots, and fruits such as oranges, apples, acerola, and, prunes that naturally contain beta-carotene. The label states "Easy way to obtain nutrition," "VegitaBeta is a health-supporting drink that uses five materials [vegetables and fruits]." The beverage carries the trade mark "Daily Care" with an explanation that "Daily Care is a symbol of products that support a healthy lifestyle." While VegitaBeta contains a small amount of juice from vegetables and fruits that contain beta-carotene, the 4.8 mg of beta carotene in one bottle of the beverage is added in supplement form according to company officials.


From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by ninigoat.

19 Reasons to Take a Nap

Posted: 02 Jun 2009 10:01 PM PDT

As if you need that many reasons to take a snooze.

Studies show that not only will you feel better almost immediately, says Sara Mednick, PhD, a sleep medicine researcher at the University of California at San Diego and author of Take a Nap! Change Your Life, but a daily nap of between 20 and 90 minutes before 4:00 pm will also increase your mental performance, reduce your chances of gaining weight, and make you feel a whole lot more like having sex after dinner than you probably do now. What’s more, it won’t affect your nighttime sleep.


From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by smellslikepurple.

Damien Walters

Posted: 02 Jun 2009 09:59 PM PDT

(YouTube link)

Olympic gymnast Damien Walters does what (usually) only superheroes can do. Watch him show off his parkour moves and more! And don’t miss the "stripping" sequence.

From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by oezicomix.

The 15 Greatest Sports Cheats Of All Time

Posted: 02 Jun 2009 09:33 PM PDT

Cheating has been at the forefront of sport in recent years, what with all the doping and steroid use. Soccer Lens has an article showing that this isn’t a new phenomenon. Athletes have been cutting corners and doing everything they could to get an edge for many years. Take this truly despicable human being, boxing trainer Panama Lewis:

The lowlight of Lewis' career was the 1983 fight between Lewis Resto and Billy Collins Jr. in which Lewis removed most of the padding from Resto's boxing gloves. He also soaked the tape that went on Resto's hands in plaster of Paris, meaning Resto was basically beating Collins Jr. with a plaster cast for ten rounds. Collins Jr.'s vision was blurred after the fight, leading to depression and a death nine months later in a car accident that some believed to be a suicide.

Pictured is Billy Collins, Jr. after the fight in question. Link

From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by redsfaithful.

Surprise Wedding Reception

Posted: 02 Jun 2009 08:15 PM PDT

Improv Everywhere made lasting memories as they threw a surprise wedding reception for a random couple getting married at City Hall. There are lots more pictures, details, and video at the website. Link -via I Am Bored

Baby With a Grievance

Posted: 02 Jun 2009 09:09 AM PDT

[YouTube - Link]

This baby has a lot to say, and she says it forcefully, if unintelligibly.

From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by Marilyn Terrell.

Smashing Watermelons

Posted: 02 Jun 2009 09:06 AM PDT

[YouTube - Link]

How long does it take for an alligator to chomp a watermelon? Watch and find out.

- via itsanimals

From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by Marilyn Terrell.

Man stopped at airport for having no fingerprints

Posted: 02 Jun 2009 09:05 AM PDT

A 62 year old man from Singapore was detained last year for an unusual condition: he had no fingerprints.  The man was taking the drug Xeloda for head and neck cancer.  Upon arriving at the airport, he was held for four hours from being unable to produce a fingerprint.

Capecitabine is a common cancer drug, routinely given to patients with head, neck and kidney cancers as well as lymphomas and leukemias. Doctors said very few patients temporarily lose their fingerprints while on Xeloda, but it does happen.

“Most patients will complain they’re having difficulty holding things or sensing things,” said Dr. Otis Brawley, chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society, who was not linked to the case. “I’ve never had a patient running into a problem with police authorities, but this is not an exaggeration. It could actually happen.”

Unlike most other countries, American immigration officials take two fingerprints from foreign visitors.


From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by Geekazoid.

Saddam’s Palaces

Posted: 02 Jun 2009 08:06 AM PDT

Saddam Hussein’s palaces in Iraq are now being used as temporary quarters for US military personnel. Photographer Richard Mosse captured the disconnect between the old residents and the new in a series of pictures. See the photographs and read an interview with Mosse at BldgBlog. Link -via the Presurfer

(image credit: Richard Mosse)

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