

Thrillist Atlanta: Best Feeding

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Thrillist Atlanta
Friday July 31, 2009

Best of the Best

You love Thrillist, because we're giving you the finest July
content from our nationwide network, and also because we do
a mean Camel Clutch.

Emailed to Miami: Camera Ephemera Hooters Shoot
From a photog who normally shoots Fla wildlife, CE captured
the secret life of some fine, normally-tanktopped womenfolk
backstage at the recent Miss Hooters International Swimwear
Pageant in Ft. Lauderdale, snapping photos and covering
crucial topics from camera ISO to butt glue. Click on any
pic and you'll go to a Flickr page with lots more shots, or
scroll down to find CE's true love: Red-bellied Woodpeckers,
which just killed yours.
Give a Hoot, and peep the shoot:

Emailed to Nation: Bottle Throttle
A stroke of boozy genius from our suds-loving neighbors to
the North, this tight-fitting cap'll let you empty any
bottle o' brew in just 3 seconds thanks to an
air-bubble-eliminating snorkel that reaches the bottom of
the bottle, a slight twist on their original design, which
incorporated a hoser.
Get speedier suds from Thrillist:

Emailed to Chicago: Hooey Batiks
These handmade shirts out of Urbana, designed using a
traditional Asian technique of painting with melted wax,
just came out with some summer-appropriate BBQ designs, one
featuring a blue-and-white image of three different charcoal
grills and another of a spatula and a frankfurter-spearing
grill fork that are crisscrossed, a popular warming-it-up
technique in the early 90s that involves wearing your apron
backwards and being 11.
Represent the grill world:

Emailed to Los Angeles: Stainless Steel Notebook Grill 2.0
Just now available in stainless steel, this charcoal grill's
got a hefty 250sqin cooking surface (enough for 6 burgers),
folds up for easy portability, and weighs in at only 9lbs,
which is only one pound more than the human head, according
to adorable, out-of work actor Jonathan Lipnicki!
Get compact cooking ability from Thrillist:

Emailed to New York: Woodgrain Playing Cards
From the random household object peddlers at NY's Curiosity
Shoppe, these playing cards feature a glossy, 70s
basement-esque woodgrain finish on their backsides, plus six
slots on their flanks, making building the house almost as
easy as losing it.
Thrillist's got wood, so play with it:

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