

Developer Shed Weekly SEO News for 2009-09-04

September 04, 2009

Welcome to your weekly dose of SEO with the SEO Chat newsletter. Did you or someone you know just land a job as a CIO? If you're wondering whether the salary offered was competitive, wonder no more. Instead, check out this slide show from eWeek to learn how much money the top CIOs make in the eastern region of the US. You'll also find links for the central and western US. Who makes the most, and who makes the least? The answers may surprise you. (Hint: New Jersey still doesn't get any respect).

Well, enough about salaries; let's talk about things that might help your bottom line, like the advice you'll find in this week's SEO Chat articles. To that end, you'll want to read Wednesday's article on conversion rate optimization, which explains what you can do with your site to turn more visitors into customers. If you got online with Blogger and you want to move to your own domain, take a look at Tuesday's article; it's the first part of a three-part series that shows you how to do just that. You'll be changing over to WordPress, a blogging platform with a lot more options â€" including many that can help you with your SEO. To encourage you in optimizing your new home, see Monday's article, which tells you all about the most important SEO-related WordPress plug-ins.

Many SEOs watch Google like a hawk, so when strange results start turning up on the search engine, you can expect them to try to tease out what's going on. The original poster of this week's thread found some strange behavior when he performed a local search in Google. You'd think SEOs in general can't resist a good mystery, because several of our members jumped in to try to figure out what was going on. Be sure to stop by the thread and add your theories.

If you're looking for something a little more educational, click on over to Tutorialized. You'll find more than 100 SEO-related tutorials covering a variety of topics, such as choosing keywords, website marketing, Google optimization and more. You can even share your wisdom by submitting your own tutorials.

Finally, our Spotlight, just for readers of our newsletter, talks about one simple thing you can do to increase your conversion rate â€" mainly because, if you aren't doing it, you're losing credibility with your visitors. What is it? Scroll down to the Spotlight to find out.

As always, thanks for reading.

Until next time,
SEO Chat Staff

Conversion Rate Optimization
How to Move from Blogger to WordPress Using Your Own Domain Name
Must Have WordPress SEO Plugins
SEO on Tutorialized
SEO Thread of The Week
SEO Chat News Spotlight
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It's edgy! It's irreverent! It's all about technology! It's News You Can't Use,
and you won't want to miss it! View this week's edition to learn the answers to these burning questions:

  • Jenny talks about what's hot. Here's a hint: it has two thumbs and loves the word researcher.
  • News of the Weird has a new look, same dumb stories.
  • Mind-chilling credits!
    Watch the video!
Conversion Rate Optimization
by Ivan Strouchliak

Most websites convert only a fraction of visitors into customers. According to Clickz, the average online conversion rate is around 2.3%, with the highest at approximately 9% (only a few websites go over the 10%-15% mark). In this article we focus on conversion rate optimization techniques and touch on the following topics: demographics, psychographics, unique selling proposition, performance gaps, website redesign, persuasion architecture, testing and conversion paths.

Knowing Your Customer

To sell better you must know your customers better.


Are your customers mostly females or males? Males tend to be highly logical and reason their decision with concrete facts. Women tend to be more emotional and rely on feelings for decisions, thus to influence males better your must have concrete facts and to influence females you must affect emotions.

What is their income/occupation? Obviously, the more your customers make the more you can charge them, especially if you're in a position to command a higher price (think SONY vs unknown brand).

Read Conversion Rate Optimization


How to Move from Blogger to WordPress Using Your Own Domain Name
by Codex-M

You may have started out with a Blogger blog, but now you feel as if you've outgrown it. You want to give your readers more. You've heard that WordPress offers lots of options, and that it's easier to optimize it for the search engines, so you'll have an easier time increasing your readership. If you own your own domain, it's easy to move your Blogger blog and make it into a WordPress blog. This three-part series takes you step by step through the process.Almost every new person starts a blog with Blogger, a free blogging service owned by Google. This seems to be a practical solution at first for the following reasons:

1) It is free; users do not need to spend money on registering domain names and hosting services.

2) It is very easy to use and does not need an in-depth knowledge of web programming, unlike building entire web sites with PHP and ASP.

However, as time goes by, your knowledge of building websites will increase; so will your desire (and demand) for more website features to improve your users' experiences. Currently Blogger cannot support a lot of website features vital for building a stable and professional website.

Read How to Move from Blogger to WordPress Using Your Own Domain Name


Must Have WordPress SEO Plugins
by Ivan Strouchliak

If you have a blog, chances are you use WordPress as a content management system. In this article we will review WordPress SEO plug-ins that help your posts and pages achieve higher search engine rankings.
If you're not familiar with WordPress, the popular blogging software "started in 2003 with a single bit of code to enhance the typography of everyday writing, and with fewer users than you can count on your fingers and toes. Since then it has grown to be the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world, used on hundreds of thousands of sites and seen by tens of millions of people every day," according to its own web site.

WordPress currently has 4,245 plugins, 22,152,788 downloads, and counting.

Google Positioner

This plug-in lets you track search engine rankings on Google for your keyword list. After optimizing Titles, slugs, internal anchor text, related posts and strategically putting keyword combinations throughout content, you can start tracking performance.

Read Must Have WordPress SEO Plugins


Check out the amazing tutorials from IBM developerWorks and see what all the buzz is about!

WebSphere Service Registry and Repository
Manage, govern, and share services across your organization by using WebSphere Service Registry and Repository. Follow the hands-on exercises to learn how to navigate the Web interface to publish, find, reuse, and update services.

Building JavaScript applications with JSEclipse
Using JSEclipse, JavaScript programmers now have their own Eclipse plug-in that provides many important features to aid in the development of JavaScript applications. JSEclipse gives JavaScript developers the same ease of use that Eclipse has been providing in the Java language and others for years. Learn to use this tool, while creating a colony of evolving "creatures" on your page.

Learn how to install and use the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client
In this tutorial, you can learn how to install and configure the IBM Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client, explore the different views in the Asset Management perspective, learn various search techniques, work with existing assets, and submit a new asset.

Improve your build process with IBM Rational Build Forge, Part 1: Create a continuous build and integration environment
Learn how to implement a build management system that uses and extends your existing automation technologies. This tutorial shows, step-by-step, how to install and configure IBM Rational Build Forge to manage builds for Jakarta Tomcat from source code.

Build Web services with transport-level security using Rational Application Developer V7, Part 1: Build Web services and Web services clients
Build secure Web services with transport-level security using IBM Rational Application Developer V7 and IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.1. Follow this three-part series for step-by-step instructions about how to develop Web services and clients, configure HTTP basic authentication, and configure HTTP over SSL (HTTPS). This first part of the series walks you through building a Web service for a simple calculator application. You generate and test two different types of Web services clients: a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) client and a stand-alone Java client. You also handle user-defined exceptions in Web services.

Test terminal-based applications with Rational Functional Tester
Regression testing -- in which code is thoroughly tested to ensure that changes have not produced unexpected results -- is an important part of any development process. But many testing environments neglect the terminal-based applications that still form the backbone of many industries. In this tutorial, you'll learn how the Rational Functional Tester Extension for Terminal-Based Applications works with other Rational Functional Tester to help test terminal-based applications quickly and easily.

Improve your build process with IBM Rational Build Forge,
Part 2: Automate builds for a real-world Tomcat project

Learn how Rational Build Forge can extend a simple compile and package build process by adding customization and deployment capability. Go from a manual method to automating: checking for code changes; getting the latest source; compiling and packaging; customizing; copying to and restarting a deployment server; and sending e-mail notification that a new version is available.

NEW! Application development for the OLPC laptop
The XO laptop (of the One-Laptop-Per-Child initiative) is an inexpensive laptop project intended to help educate children around the world. The XO laptop includes many innovations, such as a novel, inexpensive, and durable hardware design and the use of GNU/Linux as the underlying operating system. The XO also includes an application environment written in Python with a human interface called Sugar, accessible to everyone (including kids). Explore the Sugar APIs and learn how to develop and debug a graphical activity in Sugar using Python.


Tutorialized is dedicated to programming, designing, and many other
tech related tutorials.

MSN Optimization
The effective seo campaign needs to optimize your website for all popular search engines.
Read the tutorial.

Confessions of an Underground Link Building Ninja
Advanced Link Building Strategies to increase your rankings.
Read the tutorial.

Learn SEO Techniques from Beginners To Professionals
Learn seo techniques to get the results that you desire.
Read the tutorial.

Social Media Optimization Basics - Part 1
The basics of using social media sites in website promotion.
Read the tutorial.

Improve Search Engine Optimization
What to do and what not do for proper search engine optimization.
Read the tutorial.

Social Media Optimization Basics - Part 2
Harvest the power of social media for website promotion.
Read the tutorial.


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Conscientious SEOs analyze Google's behavior for oddities, even when they're doing something unrelated to working on their web sites. This week's thread illustrates that point. Stop by and join the discussion!


Google Geographic Targeting Switched Off!

Yes, its true, Google has switched off geographic targeting, at first I was skeptical, but after a bit more research, I have concluded that geo targeting is off, and just to show you an example,

In www(dot)google(dot)co(dot)uk I perform a search for "Southbank Restaurants" as I feel like taking my girlfriend out for a meal by the Thames in London, so I do the Southbank Restaurants search, and I get the following:

[image deleted]

As you can see above, I am getting results from Australia, which is absurd, even though there is a place called southbank in Australia, the fact that I am searching from the UK and searching in Google UK should have meant that my results were filtered.

This just goes to show that there is no geo filtering or targeting in enforcement.

Sadly, because of this, millions of websites and webmasters have seen a decline in rankings because of the introduction of foreign websites into UK serps.

At the minute, nothing is or has been done to correct it, and with the upcoming Google Caffeine, it seems like this issue will not be resolved until Caffeine is hard launched.

So if your seeing screwy results, its most probably got some relation to geo filtering, unless your in a niche market, which is less likely to have been impacted by foreign sites.


Not here in .ca land!

Here in the Toronto area of Canada, I use LOCAL searches all the time...but your premise I think is not true for here!

When I go to google(dot)ca and search (not logged in my g account!) I get the following search for "Hamilton restaurants" --

[image deleted]

As you can see, what I get IS targeted for my locale...

And when I go to google(dot)com I get the SAME LOCAL listings....

So, what's up in the UK may ONLY be in the UK...

Anyone else?


I'm from the UK and have performed the same search as you and I also get the AU results. However, I do still get local results when I type Manchester restaurants, or anything else actually - unless I specifically target locations outside of this country.

Perhaps it doesn't consider Southbank an actual place in London, therefore it displays the only Southbank or largest it can find which is in Australia.

Hmmm :/

Posts from this thread may have been abridged or removed. Forum members are responsible for the content of these posts.
Read the full thread.


Fix Those Broken Links!

Every so often I read a post that makes me want to stand up and cheer. Stoney deGeyter of Search Engine Guide wrote today's shout-worthy item. His simple advice can save visitors tons of frustration â€" and let's not hear any excuses about fixing your broken links being too much work!

The next time you get sideswiped by a broken link while you're cruising the web, think about the experience. It's like a slap in the face. You're not even really on the site. And if the web page you hit doesn't provide you with any special guidance (like a link to a site map or a search box or something), you're not going to go any further, right? You're likely to just go back to Google and try again...and probably end up on a site that competes with the one to which you originally went.

This is exactly what your potential customers go through every time they hit a broken link on your site, or on the way to your site. Sobering thought, eh? Would you want to buy from someone who treated you so rudely? Then why should they?

But de Geyter makes a different point. Broken links are not only rude to a visitor; they ruin your credibility. Remember, prospective customers judge whether you're for real online by your site's performance. Smooth navigation and working links help you come off as a professional, someone to be trusted. Without trust, you won't get conversions.

So help your visitors by making sure your links aren't broken. Run Xenu or some other program that checks your site for broken links at least once a month. Build a custom 404 page that helps visitors find what they're looking for if they do encounter a broken link (yes, you may even want to include navigation on this page that is similar to your home page). If you change the locations of pages, make sure you implement 301 redirects correctly so that old links point to the new places; you might even consider contacting those who link to you so they can update their links.

Sure, you probably can't fix every incoming link. You might even have problems fixing outgoing links. But the links within your site that point to other pages on your site are entirely within your control, and so are your error pages. Yes, it will take you some time to fix those links, but think of it this way: you're not just fixing your links, you're fixing your site's user experience, credibility, and most probably your bottom line. Good luck!

Read the relevant forum thread.

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