

Clearance Sale and New Product!


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Clearance Sale and New Product!

Our clearance sale is coming to and end, but don't worry, you still have 3 days to get some amazing scrapbooking supplies at up to 80% off! From Basic Grey and Bo Bunny to Little Yellow Bicycle and Making Memories, hundreds of great products are on sale now!

See What's New!

Making Memories
Vintage Findings

Making Memories' Vintage Findings kits and embellishments themes range from holidays to travel to nature and beyond. And the embellishments include distinctive finds in the form of mini blossoms, garment pins, raffle tickets, baker's twine, and more. Your journey begins by picking up a few today!

7 Gypsies Victoria
in Artist Painters Tray

We have received the new Victoria Seam Binding Tape and the new Paper Tape! And you need to see the new Artist Painters Trays! There are so many project ideas that come to mind for this funky new 12" x 12" wall display... Think holiday, ATC card storage, Christmas countdown or advent calendar, mini shadow boxes and more!

-The CP Team


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