

EcoGeek News: Green Manufacturers, Airline Emissions Reductions, and Floating Wind Turbines


Although the Congresssional debate over health care is leading headlines in the US, other committees in the House and the Senate are looking at another significant bill, this one addressing the issue of climate control and greenhouse gas emmissions regulation.

Renault Presents Four All-Electric Vehicles in Frankfurt

The Frankfurt Motor Show this year has hosted a slew of hybrid and all-electric vehicles. Renault has caused quite a bit of buzz by introducing not one, but four all-electric concept vehicles: the Twizy Z.E., Zoe Z.E., Fluence Z.E. and Kangoo Z.E.

New Treatment Could Eliminate Demand for Tropical Hardwoods

An alternative to tropical hardwoods, which are often unsustainably harvested and increasingly endangered, comes from Kebony, a Norwegian company who have developed a process for treating woods such as pine, ash, and maple to make them suitable for exterior uses in a more sustainable manner.

World's First Floating Wind Turbine Swtiches On

The energy company Statoil has begun operation of the first full-size Hywind floating wind turbine at a location 10 kilometers off the Norwegian coast. What is remarkable about this turbine is that is is floating in the water, rather than being rigidly attached to the ocean floor.

Tech Companies Top Newsweek Green List

Tech companies dominated the top of Newsweek's "Green Rankings," with Hewlett Packard taking the number one spot. The list ranked the 500 largest corporations in America based on their environmental impact, green policies and their social responisibility reputation.

Airlines Pledging to Cut Emissions by 50%

At the UN climate talks today in New York, an agreement between airlines, airports and aircraft companies to slash emissions by 50 percent below 2005 levels by 2050 will be presented. If the UN accepts the proposal, it will be added to the Copenhagen agenda.

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EnviroWonk - http://www.envirowonk.com/
Envirovore - http://www.envirovore.com/
Carectomy - http://www.carectomy.com/
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