

The Mercy Mandate

Dear Indiana,

I have spent the last two days at home, unable to come into the office because my wife has been in severe pain. She was diagnosed with an ear infection on Monday, but was unable to get any sleep on Monday and Tuesday night because her pain was so bad. Until yesterday, when we were able to get another appointment with the "doctor" (actually a nurse practitioner) and get a prescription that actually works, she has been getting little sleep. With her down, that left me to take care of the kids and the housework. I have gained a much better appreciation (it is always good to get a reminder now and again) of just how much I rely on my wife. But that is not the primary point of this article (but one we may explore in future articles).

The real point of today's article is to make a few observations about the current government and media obsession: health care. As a general rule, I spend as little time or money as I possibly can at the doctor's office. But when you have six children and a wife who is nearly incapacitated by pain, this is not a reality. The medical profession has become a part of life for modern Americans, some even go so far as to view it as a civil right. Although I can certainly understand the emotional factor that seems to be the driving force behind the current debate over nationalized health care, this does not make it right. I can attest to the frustration that many people express with our current system—I have been plenty frustrated the last three days—but bringing the federal government into the mix will not help matters in the least. If you doubt this, take a trip to the local DMV for a foretaste of what government-run health care will be like.

The problem with the whole debate is that the question itself is a wrong one. The federal government was never tasked with the ministry of mercy and compassion. Many supporters of government-run care will point to the "general welfare" clause in Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution, but this case cannot be made historically. Supporters must "read this into" the clause, it is not there otherwise. However, there is a government that has been tasked with the ministry of mercy and compassion: the Church...


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