

About Entertaining: That Pesky Candle Wax

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  from Donna Pilato
I love celebrating New Year's Eve. There's the combined excitement of completing a year with the anticipation of a fresh start the following day. Add to that the nostalgic element that I met my husband at a New Year's Eve party that I co-hosted many years ago. Have an Entertaining week and a Happy New Year!

In the Spotlight
Plan a Cozy New Year's Eve Party
After Christmas I usually feel like I've just completed a marathon. It's been a month of baking, shopping, decorating, wrapping, holiday cards, and parties. That's why I'm at the point where a Cozy New Year's Eve Party feels like just about the right style for my mood and energy level. I want to celebrate and welcome in the new decade, but low key is where it's at for me.

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A New Year's Open House Brunch
On the other hand, if you're more of a morning person, a brunch may be the best way to welcome in the New Year. Just don't make it too early for your night owl friends.

That Pesky Candle Wax
Those candles really added a lot of atmosphere to your holiday table, didn't they? They created a warm glow, a festive mood, and possibly a few waxy puddles on your table or cloth. Once your holiday guests have gone home, you'll probably be eager to save your table linens from waxy destruction. Here's a tip for removing candle wax that should help you with this problem.

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Top Picks - Hostess Gifts Under $30  from your  Entertaining  Guide
It's always good etiquette to bring a small gift to your hostess when you're invited to a dinner or other party. Here are some of the most thoughtful gifts you can bring. Some are traditional, others are a little less conventional.

1) Ghirardelli Chocolates
A gift of chocolates is a traditional gift for a hostess. She may choose to share it with her guests. Or she may simply stash it away for herself. Either way, you'll bring a smile to her face with this gift.

2) A Bottle of Red Wine
This has always been a classic gift to bring to your hostess for a dinner invitation. However, don't expect her to serve it.. It may not go with her meal. And, after all, it's intended to be a gift for the hostess

3) Flowers
Sending a bouquet of flowers after you've been entertained has always been a great way to show your appreciation to your hostess.

Feeling Under the Weather?
Evaluating Your Cold Symptoms
How to tell when a runny nose is just a cold, and when it might be turning into something more serious and require a visit to the doctor. More>

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