

About Low Fat Cooking: Ringing in the New Year

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Low Fat Cooking

Low Fat Living

Easy Recipes

Seasonal Recipes

From Fiona Haynes, Your Guide to Low Fat Cooking.
As yet another new year approaches, we're probably all thinking the same thing: we're going to lose weight, get fit, eat better, or something along those lines. It's hard to sustain because winter is a time when the body seems to crave comforting, heavier foods. Still, eating more mindfully and healthfully is an achievable goal; losing weight and keeping it off through some kind of crash diet is not.

10 Winter Recipes
When the days are short and the nights cold and long, it's tempting to indulge in some fattening comfort foods. Try these low fat comfort foods instead. They're hearty and delicious.

Winter Soups
I'm something of a soupaholic in winter. I find soup to be filling, comforting, and the perfect way to include all kinds of healthy stuff like beans, veggies, and grains in my diet. It's the perfect antidote to a holiday season's worth of indulgence.

10 Low Fat New Year's Eve Appetizers
If you want to ring in the New Year in style but worry about all those fattening chips, dips and fondues, try some of these delicious, low fat party morsels. You certainly won't be missing out on flavor. Have a platter of fresh veggies on hand for scooping up some of these delicious dips, and bake some pita chips or tortilla chips, too.

10 Ways to Begin a Lower Fat Diet
Purge your refrigerator and pantry of junk food and high-fat foods. Replace them with good-for-you foods such as whole grains, legumes, fruit, vegetables and low-fat dairy products, and you'll be well on the way to a healthier way of eating.


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This newsletter is written by
Fiona Haynes
Low Fat Cooking Guide
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