

Not All in Your Head, Dangers Lurking in Your Mouth

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Not All in Your Head, Dangers Lurking in Your Mouth
Cleanse and Detox “Hidden” Bacteria in Your Gums and Teeth to Protect Health.

Microorganisms lodged in your mouth can impact virtually every part of your body. Even with a pearly white smile and pink, healthy-looking gums, you may still have a massive infection under a crown or in an empty space where a tooth was pulled...read more >>

Shed Holiday Fat Safely, A Sneak Preview of Fat Flush for Life
Detox Enhances Lymph Circulation and Flushes Cellulite Away.
Put on extra pounds over the holidays? Most of us have. Even if your bathroom scale doesn’t register a big change, you may notice an increase in bumps, lumps, and “orange peel” skin—unmistakable signs of cellulite. While women of all ages and body types have cellulite, it’s more common

Healing the Heart, A Sneak Peek at Fat Flush for Life
Avoid "Hidden Factors" That Can Cause Holiday Heart Attack and Stroke. 

'Tis the season to be jolly, or the saying goes. But just how "merry" is Christmas, really? All over the country, emergency rooms report surges in holiday heart attacks. "A lot of it is physical," says Ralph McCleskey, MD, medical director of cardiac rehabilitation and the congestive heart failure program at Hendrick Health System in Abilene, Texas. Overexertion that comes with the holidays (and shoveling snow)—combined with overeating, over-imbibing, and all that yuletide stress—can create a "perfect storm" for heart problems, particularly among people...read more >>

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