December 03, 2009 - Navigation: Articles - Readers Respond - Video - Small Biz Talk Part 3 - The Super Simple Guide to Setting Up Your First Company Facebook Page Without Blowing a Gasketby Jennifer LaycockToday we're going to take a look at how to make use of the Photos and Video applications. These are your chances to really add some content to your Facebook Page. Sure, you can (and probably should) have this content set up on other areas of the web designed for it (Photos could be shared over at Flickr and videos find homes on sites like YouTube), but there is an advantage in housing this content on Facebook.
Web Copywriting Voodoo: The 8-Step Secret Copywriters Might Not Want You to Knowby Karri FlatlaI might get in ca-ca for sharing this with the entire readership of Search Engine Guide, but it's time to reveal what I think a lot of web copywriters probably don't want you to know. Why? Because keeping you in the dark about how we crunch out great copy day after day keeps us in business. Or so one would think.... Your SEO Kung-Fu is Strong!by Stoney deGeyterRecently, working with a client, I was able to run some tests on the Title and description on a single product page. With a bit of testing I made my already strong SEO Kung-Fu even stronger. Before making global site-changes, make sure your SEO Kung-Fu is strong too, and then you will feel the power of SEO surround you! Are you just following your competitors?by Mike MoranI know that it's hard to be creative. I know that it's hard to be unique. Get over it. On the Internet, merely copying your competitors works far less well than it does in offline marketing. Unfortunately, Google bares all. If you do the same stuff as everyone else, count on the ones who did it before you to reap the benefits, with your results bringing up the rear.... How a Little Blogging Can Make a Big Difference for the Small Businessby Stoney deGeyterLuckily the prophets of doom have been wrong more than they've been right. Now they are claiming the death of blogging. According to Wired Magazine, Twitter, Flickr and Facebook are the new "it" and blogging is on it's way out. We'll file that right next to the death of SEO! So You Know Your Stuff... But You Still Don't Know Jack!by Stoney deGeyterMost clients think their audience is just like them. If they like technical details then that must be what the audience wants. If they like fluff then that's what you have to provide because nobody looks at the technical stuff. Right? Wrong. Making Pretty URLs for Search Engine Spidersby Mike MoranMost search marketing experts are full of advice for folks who are struggling with weird looking URLs that search engines really don't like. I should know, because I have always been loaded with that kind of advice, too.... Return to the Top of this Page
Return to the Top of this Page In response to... Are you just following your competitors?Yup, I hear ya :) Your perspective sounds similar to my own. That is, some projects just aren't a good fit. The irony is, they tend to also be the same types who act surprised (read: get upset, angry, etc.) when you say, "Ya know what? No thank you." I do mostly web based projects (sites, SEO, SEM, etc.) and too often clients insist on compromising, conveniently forget those decisions and then finish with, "See I told _____ wasn't a good fit for us." At that point I bite my tongue because it's senseless to point out that they did it all wrong. Meanwhile the rest of the free world is falling over themselves trying to reap the benefits of the endless digital gold rush. Go figure, right? But at least I know it's not just me :) Thanks. Mark @ Alchemy United In response to... Are you just following your competitors?Great article I see business owners all the time just follow the pack in what ever industry they are in. It's crazy to see them so lost and so willing to follow a out dated system. I would venture to say if any business owner would take a long hard look at what they do best they could do information videos submit them and drive traffic to their web site all day long. look at your yellow pages out dated system that every one still follows. look at auto glass the business owners are doing the same thing big ad paying monthly and some don't even have a web site. The hard part is teaching old dogs new tricks but when you find an old dog that wants to venture off the old path watch out especially with local search. Jonathan Return to the Top of this Page Free SEO ToolsThinking of buying SEO software? Then try the best SEO tools free first! Directory: Show off your website Express Submit today.Quality directories like offer you strong search engine exposure. WoW DirectoryPowerful and affordable directory marketing services. Submit your website today! Return to the Top of this Page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Bing Talks About Its Link Building Policy Importance Of High Quality Content The Truth About Link Exchanges Are No Follow Links Worthless Which Tools Do You Use To Check Back LinksSOCIAL MEDIA Why I Like Marketing On Ning.comSMALL BUSINESS Grant Websites Are All ScamsCHAT Puppy Puts On His Santa HatPREVIOUS WEEK Small Business Forum Update For November 18, 2009 (If you like our search engine news, you'll love our small business news.) Return to the Top of this Page
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