

Thrillist Los Angeles: The S'More, The Merrier

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Thrillist Los Angeles
Thursday December 3, 2009

Gotta Have S'More
Your favorite campfire dessert, delivered

You never know when an epiphany's gonna hit, which is mainly
why you should avoid them when they've been drinking. Reap
an epiphany's rewards without having to lie about falling
downstairs, at Gotta Have S'More.

GHS'M is ostensibly a gourmet S'more business, with a slew
of delicious flavors envisioned by a woman who used to work
in corporate advertising for the Style Network before an
unceremonious layoff, after which she unexpectedly realized
her entrepreneurial dream was to get in the S'More game, and
immediately memorize B.I.G.'s 10 Graham Cracker
Commandments. Each dessert's called a S'muffin, and is
shaped like a cupcake but boasts the consistency of the
nostalgic treats, with a bottom layer of chocolate, a
mid-section of graham cracker pie crust, and a
roast-marshmallow topping, all made to order via a recipe so
secret, it's not even written down -- and NOT due to
illiteracy! Flavors are infused into the chocolate, and are
differentiated with a small bit of topping dug into the
marshmallow; options include expected varieties like dark
and milk chocolate, as well as more creative choices like
creme de menthe, cookies & cream, chocolate ganache, and an
option that puts a heart-shaped candy atop the treat, which
the owner claims is for "telling your girlfriend you screwed
up", a sentiment you've always thought best expressed
through a complex web of lies.

You can pickup in the Marina, though for a small fee they'll
deliver throughout the whole city; eventually, the plan's to
either get into stores or to start their own dedicated
establishment, assuming no other epiphanies hit them, even
if they did burn the dinner.

Order 'em up at GottaHaveSmore.com:

-----------------Morning Quickie------------------
^ Unique LA - Unique LA returns this weekend, with scores of
artists, tee-shirters, and craftsmen peddling their wares.


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