

D Defends Against Colon Cancer

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D Defends Against Colon Cancer
Detox is also important to remove disease-causing toxins.
Got enough vitamin D? Research increasingly points out that all age groups—77% of Americans—are low in this “sunshine” vitamin. A new study at the University of Hawaii finds vitamin D lowers the risk for colorectal cancer in a variety of ethnic groups. “There is now quite a lot of...read more >>
Fight Flab and Keep Your Muscles Toned
The right protein is as important as exercise.
Like it or not, muscle loss is a natural part of aging. To prevent flabby muscles, most people head to the gym. But even a consistent weight-lifting regimen may not be enough to prevent flab. “The older we get, the more we need to eat sufficient protein to keep...
Can Disinfectants Create Superbugs?
Drug-resistant bacteria are becoming all too common.
Drug-resistant bacteria are becoming all too common. Whether hand sanitizers or industrial strength cleaners, disinfectants are increasingly the first line of defense against bacterial infection. Ironically, this weapon may also be helping to strengthen our microbial enemies—superbugs that resist commonly used...read more >>

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