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Member Info
Name: Indiana
Point Balance: 100
My Account

Earning more Points is fast & easy.

When you qualify for & complete the survey — Get 50 Points
If you click but do not qualify — Get 10 Points

Earn 50 Points if you qualify for
& complete the survey.
Earn 10 Points if you click on this
email but do not qualify.
Hurry! This Point Opportunity Expires January 30, 2010.
Points for this opportunity can only be earned once.
Indiana, click above to begin this survey. Surveys will fill up, so keep watching your email for more survey opportunities. Surveys may take up to 20 minutes. Please take your time reading and responding to each question. Points may not be awarded if responses are rushed and not recorded properly, invalidating your answers.

MyPoi¢nts values your privacy. To learn more information, please see our Privacy Policy.

Any questions? Please reference the following SurveyMail™ number: 168694.218030.

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For some surveys, you may need Windows Media Player version 7.1 or higher.

Note: Your Points will be credited within 30 days of completing the transaction.

The Point offer expires at midnight Pacific Time on the above-mentioned expiration date.

If you exchange or return your purchase, Points awarded for your original transaction will be deducted from your account.

PLEASE NOTE: Your privacy is very important to MyPoints. In certain instances a company may share your personal information with third parties. Please review its privacy policy before you share any personally identifiable information.

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