

Thrillist San Francisco: How the Best Was Won

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Thrillist San Francisco
Friday February 26, 2010

Best of the Best
Like Tay Zonday on HGH, Thrillist's monthly Best Of showcases huge talent hugely

Emailed to Washington DC: The Crazy Brush of Dave MacDowell
Hailing from the creative corners of Chesapeake, VA, D-Mac paints vibrant, acrylic on canvas, insanely over-the-top mash-ups of TV, music, and movie icons.
Get weird poppy with it

Emailed to Atlanta: Barnsley Gardens Resort
Sitting in the foothills of north GA's Blue Ridge Mountains, Barnsley's a 3.3k-acre retreat offering Thrillist readers a sweet all-inclusive deal: a night in one of their 37 well-kept cottages, clay shooting, pheasant/deer/quail/turkey hunting, golfing, and tours of a Civil-War-era estate that was restored and turned into a resort by Prince Hubertus Fugger, who was all, "This place fuggin sucks, I'm restoring and turning it into a resort."
You're going awesome gun trippin'

******************Allied Listing******************
Win a seat aboard the next epic Thrillist adventure by telling Cold-EEZE your most woefully miserable cold story: just make a quick vid talking about a particularly memorable experience, and you could find yourself winging off to a mystery destination on par with our last two excursions, Vegas and Jamaica.
Be a cold-hearted snake, and hit Cold-EEZE.com for more details


Emailed to Nation: Oliberte Footwear
The first brand to market premium footwear completely made in Africa, Oliberte's helping empower locals by training/paying them to craft stylin' shoes using materials sourced from around their continent, with designs inspired by street and European culture, so don't be shocked when your sneakers take up smoking and start tagging your apartment.
These are gonna match your dashiki perfectly!

Emailed to Seattle: MThruF
From the prolific net-nerds behind Autocomplete Me, Friends of Irony, and the ubiquitous FAIL Blog, this latest time waster is fittingly dedicated to work place foibles, evident in one guy's "to do list" that begins w/ "clean booth windows", and ends with "build robot, fall in love with robot, and destroy robot when it turns against humanity", like HAL, but mercifully easier to beat at chess.
Put some funny in your work day

Emailed to Boston: PBR Poker Set
Replacing traditional cards for bottle caps, this limited edition poker set outta ME comes with a full deck of 52 labeled PBR caps, four magnetic "card" holders, and an elegantly hand-crafted wooden box made by the seller's "husband Fred". Yayy!
Who's the big winner? You.

-----------------Morning Quickie------------------
^ Yelp Drinks - Delicious, half-price drinks at hella SF spots, all week, starting Mon. Wanna see where?


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