

Is "Free Will" a Heresy?

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Reformation Bookstore
Resources For The Next Reformation

Is "Free Will" a Heresy?

Amazing Grace:
The History and Theology of Calvinism
A Three-Part Video Study

Amazing Grace What is Calvinism? Does this teaching make man a robot and God the author of sin? What about free will? If the church accepts Calvinism won’t evangelism be stifled, perhaps extinguished? How can we balance God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility? What are the differences between historic Calvinism and hyper-Calvinism? Why did men like Augustine, Luther, Calvin, Spurgeon, Whitefield, Edwards and a host of evangelists deny the Arminian definition of free will and label it heresy? Why did the Roman Catholic Church condemn the Reformed teaching of predestination and election and embrace free will theology? And why do so many Protestants, perhaps unwittingly, agree with Rome on this issue?

Amazing Grace: The History and Theology of Calvinism is the first video documentary that answers these and other related questions. Hosted by Eric Holmberg, this fascinating three-part, four-hour presentation is detailed enough so as to not gloss over the controversy. At the same time, it is broken up into ten “Sunday-school-sized” sections so as to make the rich content manageable and accessible for the average viewer.

Rich in graphics, dramatic vignettes, and biblical analogies, Amazing Grace: The History and Theology of Calvinism features many of the finest reformed thinkers and pastors of our time: Dr. R.C. Sproul, Dr. D. James Kennedy, Dr. George Grant, Dr. Stephen Mansfield, Dr. Thomas Ascol, Dr. Thomas Nettles, Dr. Roger Schultz, Pastor Walt Chantry, Dr. Joe Morecraft, Dr. Ken Talbot, Pastor Walter Bowie and Dr. R.C. Sproul, Jr.

Learn what the great Baptist preacher C.H. Spurgeon meant when he said, “...to deny Calvinism is to deny the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

2 DVDs; 240 minutes RETAIL: $29.95 YOUR PRICE $18.98 (37% OFF)

The Messianic Character of American Education
by Rousas J. Rushdoony

The Messianic Character of American EducationAn education is one of the few things that we can give ourselves and our children that will have lifelong effects. Although most American families send their children—as they themselves were sent by their own parents—to public schools, how often have we stopped to question the goals of the public education system? Christian parents especially should be asking this question if they are truly concerned whether their goals for educating their children are similar to the public schools'. Proverbs 1:7 tells us "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge." It should stand to reason that if "the fear of the Lord" is the beginning of knowledge, the Lord also has something to do with the end—the goal—of acquiring knowledge.

This is why education is such an important subject for Christians to be considering. If it is true that "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge," and it is true that modern state-run education is purposefully teaching without reference to God, then it logically follows that government education is deliberately creating ignorance among the masses. It comes down to a simple declaration of allegiance: either we believe God and are for Him, or we don't believe God and we are against Him... CONTINUE READING THIS ARTICLE

This book explores the philosophical premises of government education as completely anti-Christian and anti-Biblical as to be a very real threat to the survival of Christianity in America. As the title signifies, educators, imbued with behavioral psychology and evolution, not only reject Christ as Messiah, but pretend to be themselves messiahs offering their own seductive and poisonous brand of salvation through the institution of secular humanist education. It is hoped that this book will permit more Americans to understand why public education has failed and why it must be replaced by Christian schools and home schools that will restore literacy, morality, and reverence for the Creator of all men.

Hardback; 410 pages RETAIL: $20.00 YOUR PRICE $18.00

The Family:
God's Weapon for Victory 
by Robert Andrews

God's Weapon for VictoryPsalm 127 says that God gives us children as a reward, not just because He loves us and we want them for ourselves, but because He is equipping us to do what He has called us to do as His warriors: build and guard. Build the house of God and guard the city that has foundations in the very midst of His enemies. This psalm tells us, so beautifully, how that will happen: by filling the earth with offspring—children—who have been brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord and who themselves have caught the vision to reestablish the righteous rule of God on the earth. They will in turn produce offspring who have the vision as well, and on and on until the knowledge of the glory of the Lord covers the earth as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14).

The picture the psalmist uses is that children are “like arrows in the hand of a warrior.” What does this mean? It means that our children are the primary weapons God has given us to do what He has asked us to do—to build and to guard. But they obviously are not ready for that task when they come out of the womb. In other words, if we are to build and guard successfully in the world, we must first build and guard in the lives of our children! Hence the task of parenting; we are preparing our weapons of war for battle! We have been given 20 or so years to accomplish the task of extending our influence for the kingdom of God into the next generation.

So, successful parenting is ultimately not to make us, as parents, look good to the other families in our church, to make life easier for us, or even to prepare our children to grow up and be successful. No, children are ultimately for God and His purpose of extending his righteous rule over the whole earth as His Son Jesus Christ becomes in experience what He is in fact—King of all kings and Lord of all lords.

"When I read The Family: God's Weapon for Victory, I laughed, I cried, I rejoiced, I repented. It moved me again and again to pray for my children. I read parts aloud to my wife. I committed myself to going through it again, slowly, savoring and studying it with care, applying its lessons to my family. And I determined that the way I serve my family and the goals I have for my children in God's Kingdom must change. If transforming lives is Robert Andrews' aim, this book is an arrow that hits the bulls-eye!" —E. Calvin Beisner (Knox Theological Seminary)

Paperback; 349 pages RETAIL: $19.95 YOUR PRICE $12.95 (35% OFF!)

Reading the Bible (Again) for the First Time:
A Six-Part Study of the Book of Beginnings 
by James Jordan

Reading the Bible (Again)One of the problems with modern Bible readers is the deep influence of Greek thinking. Until we are able to think like Hebrews, we will not be able to understand the Bible on the level that God intended. Insightful Bible teacher James Jordan sheds light on the comprehensive story of the Scriptures in this six-part series. Jordan will challenge your assumptions, make you think, and will radically change the way you read God's word. Your understanding of the Bible will never be the same.

Over the course of six lectures in his audio series, Reading the Bible (AGAIN) for the First Time, Jordan helps his students to begin to "see" with biblical "eyes," by allowing Scripture to interpret Scripture in familiar passages in the book of Genesis. One of the very real problems with biblical interpretation is that we tend to overlook important details when we read the Bible. Biblical scholarship over the last two centuries has become overly enamored with a "systematic theology" approach, and less concerned with "biblical theology." Jordan applies a biblical theology to the book of Genesis and brings out many details that have long been ignored.

Seemingly mundane things like the rising of the sun, clothing, land and water, washing of hands, and moving from place to place take on a whole new significance when they are understood biblically. The Bible builds upon itself and we should not overlook recurring word pictures. Jordan understands the Bible is a work of literature, written by God Himself, and we must understand it as such. Although the Bible does contain maxims and laws, interpreting it as only a book of maxims and laws (like the Koran) misses the bigger picture of what it is trying to communicate. Jordan helps modern students of the Bible, steeped as they are in the minutiae of systematic theology, to step back and look at the whole picture of the biblical revelation; understanding the Bible as a story of growth and maturity—from childhood to adulthood, from immaturity to wisdom...

Six audio CDs; 300 minutes
RETAIL: $34.95 YOUR PRICE $24.95
© 2010 The Reformation Bookstore™ — A Division of Tolle Lege Press, LLC™
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