

Time to Pre-Order

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Seat Sack Sale
Time to Pre-order!

Contact Us

PO Box 9732
Naples, Florida 34101


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Here is a great way to get students to read books this summer.
The following sites offer students the opportunity to have a voice about what they
are reading and to see what others are saying about various book titles. Ages 5
thru Adult will love to check out these recommendations.
Classical Charter [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103337703283&s=10734&e=0015zTKaGmZNjF4ACOcMxwBsZ-Um4quRzdoExjROC0CDQLBuvTAgTEx15Ezdz4lnbn4A-VdEtFrwTaCtbVnceGfpRL8oY-ThOLsLlWues-MoKdU48bt_QMtFTsYchMK0KqhKY5WKDASN-fELZkJTGi7nac8UCt_tNARtXBe0ZoihFQ=]
Building Rainbows [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103337703283&s=10734&e=0015zTKaGmZNjF4ACOcMxwBsZ-Um4quRzdoExjROC0CDQLBuvTAgTEx15Ezdz4lnbn4A-VdEtFrwTaCtbVnceGfpRL8oY-ThOLsLlWues-MoKdU48bt_QMtFTsYchMK0KqhKY5WKDASN-fELZkJTGi7nac8UCt_tNARtXBe0ZoihFQ=]
Spaghetti Book Club [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103337703283&s=10734&e=0015zTKaGmZNjHXOp6E2E-cgYkZplNa-ll6uTalwgzxxa5ZLvzehU85WSxfVVHJUfKCYGN_feTYOccVrLHLM75W4rSQPSrrqUTTUbB9jLMM68vaNZ6wRUyKWG1WmbMsM-AU]

Vote For A Winner

girl peaking in SEAT SACK [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103337703283&s=10734&e=0015zTKaGmZNjHnSpgVVx5vuuqUnD--yXV3pp_bfymkrwJLMgVKC3tcItF_xceOmMJcpkIpPWGg5ZvKoaXt0ZPZD3LvacuVP22uYVNobzy0I5lZbAGThNRpQi6pEtIAVbcm]

Visit our website during the month of May and place your vote for "The Giving Sack"
contest winner. Simply read through each entry and select a winner. Add a comment
about your selection and it will be shared with the student author. Voting starts
May 5th.

Link It

Place a link to the SEAT SACK website on your class supply list or class website
and we will send you a Gift Certificate. It's as easy as 1,2,3...
1- Add http://www.seatsack.com [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103337703283&s=10734&e=0015zTKaGmZNjEdAv7vfc7NZeTVKjkdpF7-I1sfoVcXBmoSeWAka_R9LkxJVCA-UNysJpSVCJkfGBU_ohhklLAI_DY4xjwmmP_jxZV6BHloXuBy_JkGGQ8zMw==]
to your class supply list or website
2- Send an email to linkit@seatsack.com [mailto:linkit@seatsack.com] and let us
know where you placed the link.
3- We will send you a gift certificate to shop on the SEAT SACK website.
Hurry and Link with SEAT SACK today!
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Websites Worth Review
Read Aloud America
The program promotes family time together reading. Their goal is to develop lifetime
readers. The site offers a list of read aloud books and ways to start a RAP chapter
in your community. Demonstrate the pleasure of reading in your community by visiting
the website: READ ALOUD AMERICA [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103337703283&s=10734&e=0015zTKaGmZNjGwCFmULcDmMMTP7qSxwT61AwHsNIlS8DBl93XnM9hgQhieScpUJy9Km3FJMBabHA9se6zYhV2xTyuzqMQCakCG7pS-uxYBhCN-spwH1xPbVEcqZHEGgNrm1VpL_XMAEQ8=]

Share A Story-Shape A Future
This resourceful website developed by blogging librarians was developed to share
ideas and celebrate everything that reading has to offer. Whether you are a parent,
teacher or student, this site has something for you. Find out about the latest
release, meet an author, tips for young readers and read aloud resources. Share
this site with young readers and friends to shape a future:

SHARE A STORY-SHAPE A FUTURE [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103337703283&s=10734&e=0015zTKaGmZNjG_G9vt7RS24ywlFeG36z05GuZo95EdjTZaoEkl5HJJfbhHHJ061I51aQOYpkTZAwfU2IXMuYWtBv6a3f6y6IRvcjJjASBTmWSD1ZpclsG_i626Eme-WIngIXQSX_sL1jUTPdg7qHAQh1Xcry4z6LvjdrmHR_xU1ncbgkUGo619P0TijI3zOH5g]

Dear Indiana,
It's that time of the year! Time to pre-order your SEAT SACKS for next year! This
year has quickly come to an end. SEAT SACK is offering the sale of the season.
It is the perfect time to plan ahead to make sure that your SEAT SACKS are ready
for students in the fall.

All colors, sizes and styles are currently on sale. Hurry and order today!

Michelle Holder
Director of Marketing & Sales


Seat Sack Sale

Chairs in row color SEAT SACK [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103337703283&s=10734&e=0015zTKaGmZNjGv6r3hJAfEY06RgmgnpTLhIUOwUEsoeUq_7TBxfwqtUb31YhORoPXNrDbrtppv4tAMF9vRdkAGnKrheF1KNKXpTjEmstmcamB-J4ofUEO9t7EhSZ7h5xXyWayTMpFFSAlDIJ4V3HzHnzYuIO-G54b7Wz52iYkJXI0=]

Get ready for next year with SEAT SACK. The time has come to pre-order your SEAT
SACKS. To help get you motivated we are offering our lowest price of the season
on any quantity that you choose to order.

Hurry and order today!
This sale will not last for long!

Click Here for Sale Price [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103337703283&s=10734&e=0015zTKaGmZNjGv6r3hJAfEY06RgmgnpTLhIUOwUEsoeUq_7TBxfwqtUb31YhORoPXNrDbrtppv4tAMF9vRdkAGnKrheF1KNKXpTjEmstmcamB-J4ofUEO9t7EhSZ7h5xXyWayTMpFFSAlDIJ4V3HzHnzYuIO-G54b7Wz52iYkJXI0=]
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A Virtual Summer Camp Program

Camp Information Sheet [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103337703283&s=10734&e=0015zTKaGmZNjGefSljLowUzBzShDqa7p7ztiOBZI6mJ6kQePyg723JpGR6eUT8uQwJvrMBcHMOzZm26UPCjDGHb173_BDi5ftkeJIyRtnTO2Al3pkrdEXdZI2UytseG9IT]

SEAT SACK(TM) customers save on SPELL-Links(TM) summer e-camp program. Students
login for a 1-hour virtual tutoring session and participate in live, interactive
learning activities−all from the convenience of their own homes. Students
will improve spelling, develop reading skills and expand vocabulary through their
summer e-camp experience. Instructor Dr. Jan Wasowicz is an internationally-recognized
expert in the fields of language and literacy. She has over 30 years of teaching
experience in public schools and private practice.

SPELL-Links(TM) is offering a 10% discount to SEAT SACK(TM) customers. Included
in this exclusive offer is a File-n-Save Sack(TM) with their

SPELL-Links Strategies for Everyday Writing [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103337703283&s=10734&e=0015zTKaGmZNjHsXx6P5t3Z3kDuXTR81KcwpjJTtN0YFzTs-oeO1xPUO50OT0BiK643IoFyMfW8p7GtKU1rqU8ZcsgHKGQr7EIwWc7vrk1-t6H9cG0EBnX2Vi_541jLKaEjH-0w00b_7Y5wYha-OVBGYMHbVp0eE64cGAWiLQVA0L1OzYidKg0uCA==]

resource materials. Enrollment is limited...hurry and sign up today!

Use Coupon Code:


Click Here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103337703283&s=10734&e=0015zTKaGmZNjGefSljLowUzBzShDqa7p7ztiOBZI6mJ6kQePyg723JpGR6eUT8uQwJvrMBcHMOzZm26UPCjDGHb173_BDi5ftkeJIyRtnTO2Al3pkrdEXdZI2UytseG9IT]

for more information.

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Classroom Connection
The "Craft" of Writing


CraftPlus [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103337703283&s=10734&e=0015zTKaGmZNjHkob-rH4nKXkkZTZ3mUXISnivpKd72C7yXYrDERqStTmo5kexl9-AxqaviWEWFVhZ97CXuutFzRB9fsYWpzmwfYL_dhiZEs7kE1YbWZrEMu4vcS-bvunyKhVCXVjHcsWbKtRcnx8jhkw==]

Teachers are given an easy-to-follow set of daily lessons that cover the writing
skills and genres required in most states through the CraftPlus comprehensive K-8
writiing curriculum published by Maupin House. Susan Koehler a teacher at Hawks
Rise Elementary School in Tallahassee, Florida; states that there are two things
she really appreciates about the program: 1-It's teacher-friendly, and gets results.
2- The materials are easy to use and provide a year-round plan. According to Koehler,
each day, Target Skills are explicitly taught, modeled, practiced, and shared.
The lessons always begin with a mini lesson, then a work-shop session which allows
students to apply the skills learned during the minilesson, and a response time
at the end of each lesson encourages students to share their writing with a whole
group, a small group or a partner. This effective program teaches students to use
imagery and clues for inference, engage the reader with voice and lively text, helps
them to engineer creative writing while working in a risk-free environment which
allows them to become proud authors of their own work. For more information on
this review, visit http://www.languagemagazine.com [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103337703283&s=10734&e=0015zTKaGmZNjGSOnnJBkYlF1wo3O9osKE_ZLtF7cKmwGVEsrfxBu9CGP5jB7y8lWS8jZvyilp37JyLNnEZlVi3J_9BRzJhU5XzKvLbZxIdZb23gdBhHTL5y7G69BDpXZMq],
"Cutlivating the Writer's Craft" by Susan Koehler


Save 15%

Save 15% off your next order by using coupon code: MAY2010E. This coupon is not
valid with previous purchases and cannot be used in conjunction with any other

Offer Expires: May 31, 2010 Forward to a Friend [http://ui.constantcontact.com/sa/fwtf.jsp?m=1102268038571&a=1103337703283&ea=ignoble.experiment%40arconati.us]

~Time is really the only capital any human being has, and the one thing he can't
afford to waste~
Thomas Edison

Taking a few minutes to organize your thoughts, tasks at hand and daily goals can
give you the "time" that you desire to spend on yourself, family or friends. Finding
practical tools that simplify organizing can be worth every penny. Take the time
to pre-order your SEAT SACKS right now. This small step right will save you time
in the fall. Have your room organized before students step foot in the door. SEAT
SACK is offering the perfect price to help get you started. It's time to add color
and organization to your classroom routine!


The SEAT SACK Team Forward to a Friend [http://ui.constantcontact.com/sa/fwtf.jsp?m=1102268038571&a=1103337703283&ea=ignoble.experiment%40arconati.us]

Seat Sack, Inc


PO Box 9732

Naples, FL 34101

Find us on Facebook [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103337703283&s=10734&e=0015zTKaGmZNjFhyOUZL9l6Cx2aXui9UpWzlALBcuof1vx2hB72UWOkCJ5qgOTtzvsN_0_ifsVErs48hXAFjzAU8f63o2n3BZzplC2Fj399i73VoEDy1apHbQ_b3vV4SeW5]
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Seat Sack, Inc | PO Box 9732 | Naples | FL | 34101

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