Einstein said this was the most powerful force in
the universe.
It's the same power that is responsible for many of
the largest fortunes in the world.
What is it?
"Compound interest."
Yesterday I told you about a payment plan for our
Independence Day special.
This is like compound interest for both your life
and your pocket book.
1. The money you keep in the bank with this payment
plan will earn you interest
2. When you get started with this investment in
yourself today, the benefits will accrue over time.
But here's the rub: most people wait to make these
investments. They end up regretting it and saying,
"if I had only _______ 10 years ago!"
Indiana, this is why it's important to make decisions
and act on them *in the moment*.
We've removed every conceivable road block to your
success right here:
Click here <---
You'll have every tool you need to unlock the great
person you know is inside you. (The person who is
begging to step forward and claim the throne.)
We've removed every financial barrier.
The only thing left is for you to ACT.
Do it now.
There is no "later." There is no "some day." There
is only you - and this moment - and the compounding
power of you making the right decision right now.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mark Joyner (MJ on Marketing)
Date: Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 11:25 AM
Subject: You need to decide *now*
To: ignoble.experiment@arconati.us
Hey Indiana,
I have to make an apology ... A few people wrote in
when I sent this out last week outraged.
"Mark, how dare you tease me like this! I want this
so bad, but I don't have the money right now. Don't
you know what state the economy is in today?"
Yeah, I know a lot of people are hurting right now.
So, I'm going to make this offer one last time – but
"11 months (almost) same as cash."
All you have to do is make one small payment today
and defer the remaining easy low payments over the
next 11 months.
Click on the link below and you'll see an updated
page with the payment plan option. But please don't
forward this to anyone else! It could really irk
P.S. Here's the original message with the updated
link ...
Click here <---
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mark Joyner (MJ on Marketing)
Date: Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 11:25 AM
Subject: You need to decide *now*
To: ignoble.experiment@arconati.us
Hey Indiana,
More and more I'm aware of one of the key
differentiators between people who "make it" and
the "also ran's".
What is it?
It's the ability to make fast decisions.
The weak hesitate and hem and haw about what they
should do - about what could go wrong - about how
it's not perfect.
The *awesome* make bold decisions quickly and see
what happens.
They understand that no one can predict the future
and that the only way to know whether or not
something will work is to try it out.
My Chief Marketing Officer came to me today and
said "I think we should offer people 24 hours to
get every Simpleology course in existence for one
low price - just as a way of kicking off Independence
Day with a bang ... Yeah, yeah, Independence Day
was last week – let's remind everyone that *every*
day should be independence day!"
The old MJ would have said ...
"But what if ..."
"Is that really a good idea?"
"What will so and so say?"
The new MJ knows that most of these "what ifs" will
never come to fruition.
You may be someone who owns one of these courses and
think "hey, I paid big dollars for this one course -
how about me?"
Easy: when you say "yes" today we'll then give
you full credit for that course to be applied to
future courseware purchases.
No dramas. No stress.
The key to making quick decisions is to act
immediately and to stop hesitating. It starts
with one decision and then snowballs from there.
Start now with this one "yes" - right here:
Click here <---
Reward yourself with this no-brainer yes decision
and then another and another ...
Stop waiting. Stop hesitating. Start making
things HAPPEN!
And then - and only then - can I wish you:
Happy Independence (Day)!
Mark Joyner
MJ on Marketing
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