

"It's ... about ... to go ... down."

Hey Indiana, it's Halloween ...

Are you going to take part in The Great Halloween
Heist today?

Or will this be just another ho-hum Halloween?

(see below to make your choice)


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From:     Mark Joyner (MJ on Marketing)
Date: Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 3:09 PM
Subject: Another Holiday ... HIJACKED!
To: ignoble.experiment@arconati.us

Hey Indiana,

It's the Great Halloween Heist.

We're jackin' Halloween for our own purposes over

What are we going to do with it, now that we've
hijacked it?

Well, instead of just playing dress-up, how about
actually changing yourself for good?

Instead of putting on that superman suit for just
one day, how about endeavoring to become as
superman-like as possible in the real world?

Nothin' ...

Wrong ...

With that!

Listen, there's a whole heap of crapola out there
in the "self improvement" field.  Unfortunately,
people get exposed to this stuff, and they get turned
off to the idea of improving themselves.

Heck, if the only people selling water were charlatans
- people might think "water is bad."

This is a real shame, actually.

I mean, everyone is involved in "self improvement"
to some extent or another.

If you've ever been to the gym, played a team sport,
or ever cracked open a book, you've been engaged in
"self improvement."


Don't worry, I won't tell anyone ;-)

All kidding aside, I think it's actually quite noble
to embark on the quest of bettering oneself, don't

I'm constantly on such quests myself ...  Here's an

Just a couple years ago, I was having some serious
problems with my body.  My back and knees were so
jacked up that I could barely even power-walk, let
alone get to the gym for a serious workout.

A doctor told me I should never expect to be athletic

Today, I'm engaged in brutally intense training in
MMA fighting and probably in the best shape of my

How did I do it?

Well, after I got that B.S. diagnosis I cried and
felt sorry for myself for a day.

Then I got off my ass.

I refused to let someone's (quite possibly totally
incorrect) prognosis of my life define me.

I sought out the help of experts, stuck to my plan,
and didn't give up.

Read that last sentence again.

It makes me a little sad that so many people have
given up on their dreams out of frustration, or
because they've received bogus advice from fake

This Halloween, let's change all of that.

Let's hijack Halloween and begin our quest to become
real-world supermen, and superwomen in earnest.

To help you in this Hijacked Halloween quest, we've
put together something really special for you:

Click Here <---

Packed in there is just about everything you will
need (except for the deep burning desire to be
AWESOME - which you must supply).

The good news is, when you dig in to find it, it's
ALWAYS there.

Happy Hijacked Halloween,


Mark Joyner
MJ on Marketing


This message was sent from Mark Joyner (MJ on Marketing) to ignoble.experiment@arconati.us. It was sent from: Construct Zero, Inc., 1001 Bayhill Dr. Suite 200, San Bruno, CA 94066. You can modify/update your subscription via the link below.

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