


Save Your PC Power usage by 25%
  Effective Solution to Global Warming  


Dear Friends,

Our little efforts can have huge impact on our environment. Just by using this search engine ( http://www.powersaversearch.com ), we can save energy upto 10% of India's annual power shortage.


This special search engine (like google,yahoo) saves power consumed by your monitor while you are searching the net. This way, 750 MegaWatt energy can be saved annually, which is more than 10% of
India's total power shortage.

The site uses dark color themes which consume less power, and hence, saves tremendous amount of energy. Also, the site reminds us of doing our bit each time its loaded.

So, set http://www.powersaversearch.com as your browser homepage, and start saving power today! Next time whenever you think of searching something, pls use http://www.powersaversearch.com . You get the same results as google, so there is no difference in output also. Its like a black google, that saves the power for us.

Don't forget to forward it to all your friends and contribute your little bit in a strong, prosperous and poweful India.

Display Colors

White and bright colors (especially in backgrounds) can use up to 20% more power than black or dark colors. Look to the right to see the power usage (in Watts) of a sample monitor with different screen backgrounds.  Unfortunately, e-mail and word processors tend to use white backgrounds, so your workstation uses considerable power while you are in these programs, which you are during much of the day. Because black-on-white is the most familiar (it's just like the newspaper), selecting alternate combinations may not be appealing.  However, you can change your desktop background to something efficient.  You can change your background by selecting Start, Settings, Control Panel, Display, and Appearance tab.  The "Item" field should say "Desktop".  Under color, select one of the colors at the right that has a rating below 65W and then click OK.

White - 74W Fuchsia - 69W Yellow - 69W
Aqua - 68W Silver - 67W Blue - 65W
Red - 65W Lime - 63W Gray - 62W
Olive - 61W Purple - 61W Teal - 61W
Green - 60W Maroon - 60W Navy - 60W
    Black - 59W
(Least Power Consumption)


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