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This Video Friday clip on URBN will instantly ignite your hunger

Thrillist San Diego
Friday October 29, 2010

Best of the Best

Emailed to Miami: Shwood Sunglasses
Portland-based Shwood crafts strikingly cool sunglasses by laser-cutting and hand-finishing former trees into the right shape, then 3-ply layering said wood in contrasting grain directions for superior strength, but not superior Strength Shoes, since you know those things couldn't possibly get any better.

These glasses will give you wood- lol!

Emailed to New York: Senioritis
Claiming their well of inspiration was filled while taking in the view from the summit of Mount Everest with their Sherpa "Noomsey", Senioritis produces runs of posters (plus coasters, bookmarks, magnets, etc) featuring "influential seniors...throughout history", but no Matthew McConaughey, as Wooderson had totally graduated like 5 years earlier!

Don't be afraid of their smell, seniors are smart!

Emailed to Philadelphia: Mechanicards
Mechanicards are just about the craziest thing since that taxi game, called Crazy Taxi: a series of cards made of paperboard and bits of wood, metal, and plastic which arrive flatpacked and unfold into tiny yet intricate paper machines that do all sorts of cool stuff, and serve as "visual and literary metaphors for human social interaction", which you'll eventually have none of if you keep sending those Blue Mountain cards.

Finally a card with no space for lame personal messages

Emailed to Nation: Trikoton
Originally conceived by its German founders while completing a similar art installation, Trikoton (translation: "The Voice Knitter") offers cotton garments woven with custom patterns based on submitted audio messages, creating clothes they say offer a more "personal and poetic attitude" (perfect for those who fancy themselves handsome sonnets of b*tches).

Seriously, you can literally wear a Gin Blossoms song clip!

Emailed to Austin: Greenfoot Furniture
The timber-child of a pair of veteran carpenters who met while working in antique restoration, Greenfoot crafts home furnishings out of materials reclaimed from locales as common as wooden fences, or as exotic as strip clubs -- a process they describe as akin to treasure hunting, and not just because it sometimes ends with bountiful chests.

Just because Al Gore assaults masseuses, doesn't mean you shouldn't love the crap out this furniture fight global warming!

-----------------Morning Quickie------------------
^ Playmate Halloween at Andaz - Snag Halloween tix to party with Miss January, February, & April at "Mansion Madness".


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