

Thrillist NY: Playing Games With Hot Girls

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Thrillist New York
Monday October 4, 2010

Internet gaming but now with pretty people
Endlessly playing video games isn't a great way to meet
girls, but you know what is? Money. So pay girls to play
with you, at GameCrush.com.

Just released from private beta, GC allows crushingly-lonely
video game addicts to hook up with sexy "PlayDates" --
searchable via their preferred platform, fave genres, gaming
style, and photos -- who for a rolling fee'll game with them
(either on site or over a console network) while using live
video & messaging, perfect for those for whom female
companionship is a daunting Gauntlet. Some potential PlayDates:

A real gamer who loves a good challenge, "dirty talk", Final
Fantasy 7, and high kill scores on Call of Duty, but
dislikes bluetooths & electric cars; if she "feels really
flirty" and you're "nice" to her you "might get lucky",
assuming your definition of lucky is being too distracted to
notice she's totally ganking all your mana!

Hates mean people and crap-talking 12yr olds; hobbies
include motorcylces, shooting guns, and working out; likes
easy going fun guys, fast cars, outdoor adventures, the
Needler, and semtex grenades, because after a romantic walk
on the beach it's nice to blow it up.

Offering to "play with your joystick", SK likes meeting new
people, kitties, and strawberries, but dislikes monsters,
spiders and nightmares, begging the question why she's on
the site.

While there are plenty of girls who "shoot noobs and don't
show boobs", you can throw your PD tips to incentivize them
to make your time together worthwhile, because while playing
video games isn't a great way to get girls to show you their
stuff, you know what is? More Money.

Find a PlayDate to frag nerds with at GameCrush.com

-----------------Morning Quickie------------------
^ Eat @ Madison Square Park - Grab loads of good eats in the
park like a sloppy goat sandwich from Resto and duck
shawarma from Ilili, thru Oct 23.


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