

Thrillist SD: See The Pyramids Without Getting Off The Couch

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Thrillist San Diego
Monday October 4, 2010

Tour Wrist
The world at your fingertips. Literally.
International travel has its pitfalls, like the long lines in Rome, or the actual holes with spikes in them in Vietnam. Letting you tour the world from the safety of your bean bag chair: Tour Wrist.

A free iPhone/iPad app that affords beautifully interactive 360-views of some of the world's coolest sites, TW allows users to explore over 3,000 locales by toggling the screen between a finger drag mode, and a virtual-reality like "immersive mode" where shifting the device shifts the photo perspective via a "sensitive" compass, which's just sick and tired of people questioning its sextant-ality. Explore the global map, or search/browse tags (from "abbey" to "yacht") to find enticing destinations, starting with semi-local ones like the Golden Gate Bridge and Arches Natural Park in Utah, though if you're looking for Golden Arches, you should probably just walk outside. International spots range from awesomeness like an empty Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium in South Africa, to an upward view of Malaysia's Petronas Twin Towers on a cloudy day, to absolute randomness like the interior of the Kostonay Diesel Plant in Kazakhstan, where ironically, Borat impressions are just coming into vogue.

Everything links up to Expedia, and they've got future plans to extend to non-Apple devices and develop software to allow any iPhone 4 user to capture images and create their own "AmaTours" -- also holes which you're better exploring from the safety of your bean bag chair.

There's also a video demo with some very fun music that'll make you happy to be alive/have internet access

-----------------Morning Quickie------------------
^ WIN GORILLAZ TIX - Follow @ThrillistSD & Tweet w/ #ThrillistGorillazSD to score 2 Tix to the cartoon crew's Viejas Arena show 10/28
http://themove.thrillist.com/link.php?M=2181171&N=241941&C=25f0fb7663659a52572fbc99fe5fd818&L=141848 Gorillaz hit Viejas Arena on 10/28 and I wanna be there. http://themove.thrillist.com/link.php?M=2181171&N=241941&C=25f0fb7663659a52572fbc99fe5fd818&L=141849 <http://themove.thrillist.com/link.php?M=2181171&N=241941&C=25f0fb7663659a52572fbc99fe5fd818&L=141849> %23ThrillistGorillazSD

* ALLIED QUICKIE - WIN CARIBBEAN GLORY - Score an all-inclusive 3-night stay at the 5-Star Veranda Resort in Turks & Caicos for you + a guest. Hit our Facebook to enter.


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