

Salon Daily: "Boardwalk Empire" recap: Old wounds reopen

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Monday November 1, 2010


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"Boardwalk Empire" recap: Old wounds reopen

As Nucky's Atlantic City empire faces a new threat, Jimmy ramps up the violence in Chicago

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"Cleopatra": Sex and sovereignty in the ancient world

From a master biographer, a shrewd and worldly tribute to history's most notorious queen

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Harry Reid's November surprise?

A respected observer predicts that the Senate majority leader will survive -- but there's reason to be skeptical

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"Shock of Gray": How old people will remake the world

People's increasing life spans could change everything from civil rights to globalization. Here's why

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Revelations about past dog Miller until the end

The latest in a string of reports about the Alaska Senate candidate's background details paranoid behavior in '08

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"Bored to Death" hits its stride

In its second season, Jonathan Ames' comedy gains steam as it charts the perils of the writer's life

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I rode the Huffington Post Sanity bus

Nearly 10,000 people woke at dawn for a free trip to Jon Stewart's rally. Too bad we got there so late

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Working Class Foodies: Knife skills and chicken tagine

How to hold a knife, how to cut a chicken into parts, and how to stew that bird, Moroccan-style, once you're done

I've been e-slighted on Facebook!

I though these people were my friends, but they're not acting like friends online

» More Since You Asked

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