

Same Day Shipping & Starlit Holidays from Tree Free Greetings

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Peaceful Valley Greetings


There's still time!  Don't settle for a quick trip to the drugstore for this year's holiday cards. You still have plenty of time to delight family and friends with our premium Tree Free Greetings holiday cards.  Beautifully illustrated inside and out, our holiday cards outshine all others when it comes to environmental sensitivity.  Printed on premium 100% recycled paper with soy-based inks, each card represents your love for the season and respect for the planet.

Place your order between now and December 20th and we will ship your order the same day via USPS Priority Mail - all for our flat shipping rate of $3.99.  You'll receive your cards in 2-3 days depending on where you are located.  That leaves plenty of time for you to write your special holiday wishes and drop them in the post box.

Each box of contemporary cards contains 10 cards with coordinating envelopes, $9.95

Each box of plantable cards contains 8 cards with coordinating envelopes, $9.95

 Shop for Holiday Cards

Starlit Holiday 

  Good tidings Joy to the World cabin Jingle Bells
40 Glorious Holiday Designs Now in Stock!

   Peace All is Bright Joy & Peace Pinecone Fancy 

Last Call for Tree Free Noteables!

Noteables are being discontinued.  Only 19 designs left so you'll need to Hurry before they're all gone! 


Shop for Noteables Now


 insect friendssoulfulsea turtlespower of lightfruits of the gardenfairy romance

Order your holiday cards today and send the most beautiful, environmentally sensitive holiday wishes available!


Felicia Phillips
Peaceful Valley Greetings
Safe Unsubscribe
This email was sent to ignoble.experiment@arconati.us by fphillips@peacefulvalleygreetings.com.
Peaceful Valley Greetings | PO Box 14135 | Portland | OR | 97293

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