

You can STILL get in on it! Offer ending tomorrow!


This is to remind you that tomorrow (Saturday, November 27 midnight) is the last day of the special time when you can receive this unusual gift from "you to you" at the reduced price announced to our readers. Our work-playbook (in pdf form) will be going out this coming week to all who register for my holiday teleseminar.

 And - if you sign up now - instead of paying $47 for this 90 minute teleclass to take place on Sunday Dec. 5, 4:00 pm Eastern U.S. time, you will receive it and the replay and the transcript and the work-playbook - all for $37.

You can reserve your seat at this special price by going to http://store.patclass.com

If you didn't read about this before, we'd love to have you learn about it below.

With warmest wishes,



A story that can happen.  

You wake up in the morning and your muscles are tightening up all over. Something unpleasant is pending and could go wrong today.  You are bracing yourself to meet the challenge.

Then it occurs to you to do some EFT tapping or a combination of tapping and the radical new Ask and Receive technique, to switch this extreme tension to great joy. You have decided to change your "Danger! Look out!" energy to a "Riding On The Crest Of The Wave -Buoyed Up" energy which can fill you with a sense of joy and vitality.

After you do this energy exercise, you suddenly feel an "I can lick the world!" confidence. You know that one way or another you're going to cope superbly today, and that you'll get an A+ for "inspiration" -- from yourself! 

Would you like to know how I regularly achieve this kind of wonderful "about switch" for myself? Do you want to find out how I help others do that - especially you?

This kind of turn-around works for any issue  - for fears about money, or health, or a relationship, or your career -- or whatever else is that may be weighing you down. This is a basic "love myself" technique that goes right to the where the action is - and changes it.

You might call this a secret of sorts, but the truth is it's out there for all of us all of the time, if we just know how to reach for it. I'm going to show you exactly how to do this when we gather for our celebration of inner delight on Sunday, December 5th.

The answer to an anxious or hopeless feeling is to experience a wonderful inflow of tingling, buoyant energy. This is what you will feel when you do the exercises I will lead you through in class. You will notice that this is the first teleseminar I've given in many months. That's because it's expressly designed for this season of the year. It aims to switch your energy just in time for the holidays when you want to be able to create that "up" feeling for yourself every single day. In this teleclass you'll be given the tools to do that.

You will not only tap along with me during class, but any time after that you can use the same exercises whenever you want to switch gears and feel your own strength (it's a fantastic feeling!). These new tools will be at your fingertips, ready to swing into gear.

I will be showing you some fabulous things in this teleseminar. There's a nice plus too if you sign up before midnight on Saturday, November 27th, you can enjoy a celebration of your own inner strength at a special discount. This $47 teleclass will be yours for just $37! You can attend it live and will also receive the replay and transcript and work-playbook.

Reserve your seat at this special discount by going to

I look forward to seeing you on the 5th. Let's set the stage together for an experience of joyous energy every single day of the pre-New Year season!

     To give this thoughtful holiday gift from you to yourself,
 register now at 



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