

The Massacre at Wounded Knee

The Daily Dulcinea
December 29

On This Day 1890: Hundreds of Sioux Massacred at Wounded Knee
Dear Readers,

We've published irregularly this week, since most of our readers are on a holiday break, and most of our content partners on SweetSearch2Day are not publishing fresh content this week. Oh, and there was a blizzard that dropped two feet of snow, with high winds, to New York, where we are based. We'll be back on our regular 6x a week schedule beginning January 3, featuring some exciting new content that we've been preparing.

On This Day in 1890,
U.S. soldiers killed 200-300 Sioux Indians at Wounded Knee, S.D., in what is considered the final significant battle of the Indian Wars. The incident was applauded by both The New York Times and a South Dakota newspaper editor named Frank Baum, who later wrote "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz."

On This Day in 1721, Madam de Pompadour was born. One of the most powerful women of 18th-century France, was the mistress of King Louis XV of France and an influential patron of the arts.

Our On This Days from earlier this week covered: the deadliest earthquake ever in Europe, in Sicily in 1908, in which 100,000 people were killed, provoking one of the first great international relief efforts; and the speech by Winston Churchill to a joint session of the U.S. Congress in 1941, less than three weeks after Pearl Harbor, in which he galvanized U.S. support for the war against Germany. As with all of our articles, we include a bevy of primary sources, background information and related issues to provide a full historical context for the primary event.

Mark E. Moran
Founder & CEO

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